
  1. 是你永远都是你约翰·华生你总能让我找对方向

    It 's always you.John Watson , you keep me right .

  2. 该是你的,永远都是你的。

    Should be you of , all is you forever .

  3. 我的家永远都是你的家。

    My home is always your home .

  4. 我永远都是你的守护神

    I forever is your Angell

  5. 无论何事、无论何时、无论何地,永远都是你和他一起面对这个世界。

    Whatever , whenever , wherever . It 's always going to be you and him against the world .

  6. 不管走到天南地北,大丰永远都是你我的家园;常回家看看,常来交流交流,让你我的心声在这里放飞。

    No matter walks far apart , greatly abundant forever all is your myhomeland ; often goes home has a look , often exchanges , lets your myaspiration release for flight in here .

  7. 珍妮:你永远都会是你,但会是另一种人。

    Jenny : You 'll always be you , just another kind of you .

  8. 他们永远都是为你而来!

    They 're always there for you !

  9. 就好象年复一年的寒冬已经让我畏惧,我渴望着温润的江南,而陪我一起坐在烟波浩淼中央的人,永远都不会是你。

    Just like , years of cold winter had made me afraid , I long for the warm and wet Jiangnan , and the woman sitting with me together in the drizzly fog , will never be you .

  10. 伊诺永远都不会知道是你想要他回去。

    Eero never knew that you wanted him back .

  11. 计算机永远都是精确的按照你要求它的方式运行。

    The computer will always do exactly what you tell it to .

  12. 我永远不会努力去改变你,永远不会让你感觉被忽视,我永远都是你的头号粉丝。爱你,

    I will never try to change you , I will never let you feel unseen , and I will always be your number one fan . Yours truly ,