
  1. 永嘉四灵研究

    The Study on Four Poets in Yongjia

  2. 永嘉四灵是南宋时期的一个诗歌流派。

    Four brilliant poets in Yongjia are members of a poetic school during the South Song Dynasty .

  3. 作为南宋中后期出现的文人群体,永嘉四灵以独特的创作风貌在当时诗坛掀起新的诗歌风尚,推动南宋诗风的变迁。

    As the literati group appearing in the middle and late period of Southern Song Dynasty , Four Outstanding Poets in Yongjia launched a new poesy fad by their unique writing style and features in the Parnassus at that time , which pushed poetic style changes of the time forward .