
  1. 稻田免耕新三熟制秋马铃薯播期试验探讨

    Stage ⅲ . Research on autumnal potato seedtime of three ripe system in paddyfield under conservation tillage

  2. 江苏中南部地区麦玉米稻新三熟制的生态与经济适应性分析

    The Ecological and Economical Adaptability of Wheat-Corn-Rice Triple Cropping System in the Region of Middle and Southern Jiangsu Province

  3. 稻田水旱两熟及新三熟小麦轮、连作效应分析&成都平原稻田水旱两熟及新三熟定位试验第一报

    Analysis of effect for rotation and continuous cultivation wheat in paddy - upland double cropping and Neo-Three cropping system in rice field

  4. 西南丘陵旱地农作制现状及旱地新3熟麦/玉/豆发展优势分析

    Analysis on Present Situation Trend of Farming System and the Development Advantages of New 3 Ripe Wheat / maize / bean in Dry Land in Southwest Hilly Region

  5. 通过前茬合理利用,培肥地力,促进农业良性循环,扩大商品生产,提高土地经济效益.总之,推广新两熟制可以加速农业综合发展,增加农民收入,符合农村经济体制改革的要求。

    In short , to extend the new double cropping system can accelerate the general development of agriculture and increase the income of the farmers and meet the demands of economic system reform in the countryside .

  6. 我渐渐和新朋友混熟了。

    I gradually got acquainted with my new friend .

  7. 根据其成矿规律,预测新路河&熟坪一带和牛坡头地区为湘西南锰矿的个成矿远景区。

    Xinluhe-Shuping region and Niutoupo area were forecast as2 prospective zones according to metallogenic regulation .

  8. 一个新的水稻迟熟性基因的遗传分析和分子标记定位

    Molecular Tagging of A New Recessive Gene for Late Heading in a Rice Cultivar 8987

  9. 同时,酒用炭对新酒有老熟陈化作用。

    Otherwise , the active carbon for alcoholic beverages is provided with ageing and ripening action for new liquor .

  10. ‘金早’是从野生中华猕猴桃单株选出的早熟优良新品种,果熟期在8月中旬。

    ' Jinzao ' is a new extra early ripening cultivar , derived from the wild kiwifruit of Actinidia chinensis , and the fruit ripe in the middle ten days of August .

  11. 然而,尽管有这些变化,如果投行能从当前的危机中幸存下来,它们也有可能是作为新组织内的熟面孔而存在,而投资银行业的有效性也会增强。

    But despite these changes and provided they survive the current crisis , it is likely that investment banks will exist as recognisable entities within their new organisations and investment banking as an industry will emerge with enhanced validity .