
  • 网络Newsreel;newsreel footage;Newsreel Film
  1. 其余就是新闻影片里人们熟悉的情节了。

    The rest is the familiar stuff of newsreels .

  2. 作为历史上曝光率和瞩目率最高女性以及在位时间最长的君王,女王自大众媒体发展以来一直是其焦点,从最初最早的彩色照片与新闻影片时期,到之后电视和网络的出现。

    As the most photographed and filmed woman in history and the longest reigning monarch , the Queen has been a focal point for mass communication as it has evolved , from its early days with the first colour photographs and newsreels , to the arrival of television and the internet .

  3. 往事像新闻影片一样闪过他的头脑。

    Memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel .

  4. 1941年珍珠港事件爆发后,好莱坞在许多不同方面都努力同入战争中,其中包括新闻影片,长片,训练影片。

    Once Pearl Harbor took place in1941 , Hollywood pitched in to the war effort in many many different ways , including__10__ , feature films , training films .

  5. 书中写到:早期的美籍华人在煤矿和铁路上与暴风雪、泥石流、虐待行为顽强抗争——张女士的描述就像旧式新闻影片一样。

    Her descriptions of the early Chinese in America battling blizzards , mudslides and mistreatment in the mining and railroad camps have the flavor of an old newsreel .

  6. 140分钟的电影里,我们看到了新闻影片式的连续镜头、音乐剧、黑色电影、话剧、歌剧,甚至还有经典影片《教父》与《芝加哥》的身影。

    During the 140-minute runtime we see newsreel footage , musicals , film noir , stage plays , operas , and not to mention elements from better films like The Godfather and Chicago .

  7. 本文在这两方面实现了以下功能:后台管理包括新闻管理、影片管理、论坛管理、用户管理;

    In this paper , both realize the following functions : Backgrounds management including news management , video management , forum management , user management ;

  8. (三)为报道时事新闻,在报纸、期刊、广播、电视节目或者新闻纪录影片中引用已经发表的作品;

    Use of a published work in newspapers , periodicals , radio programmes , television programmes or newsreels for the purpose of reporting current affairs ;

  9. 一则新闻故事段落是由主播播报与外景采访所组成,所以若能够知道主播出现的时段就能将一个连续的新闻影片自动分段。

    A news story is composed of an anchorperson shot and a news footage shot , we can segment a news video into several stories if we know when the anchorperson shows up .