
  • 网络new citizen
  1. 给英联邦新公民安排的本国语节目。

    The vernacular programmes for new citizens of the uk .

  2. 其他新公民与军人结婚。

    Other new citizens are married to service members .

  3. 有位美国新公民第一次高兴地投上自己的选票;

    the new citizen who casts his vote for the first time ;

  4. 新公民承诺终于美国的宪法和法律。

    New citizens loyalty to the United States , its constitution and laws .

  5. 因为今晚我们给予斯戴福最新公民荣誉。

    We honor our very newest citizens of stepford .

  6. 这些新公民期待能够投票。主要的政党正在外面招募新成员。

    These new citizens voting , and the major political parties were outside to recruit them .

  7. 其中一些宣誓成为新公民的人已经在美国军队服役。

    Some who were sworn in as new citizens are already serving the country in the U.S. military .

  8. 澳大利亚政府希望公民入籍考试能更有助于新公民把生活融入他们的新国家。

    The government wants to make the tests more helpful for prospective citizens settling in to life in their adopted country .

  9. 对于新公民来说,这一天有着特殊的意义。他们聚集在洛杉矶会议中心,早上3000人,下午又多了3000人。

    It They gathered at the Los Angeles Convention Center , 3000 in the morning and 3000 more in the afternoon .

  10. 南都基金会成立以来,实施了旨在改善农民工子女教育环境的“新公民计划”;

    Since its establishment , the Foundation has supported the New Citizen Program dedicated to enhancing the environment and education of migrant children ;

  11. 尽管义务教育给农民工子女提供了基本就学保障,但是让他们以新公民的姿态融入城市却成为当下新出现的难题。

    Though weak compulsory education for the children of migrant workers provide basic schooling , as the citizens integrating into the city has been new problems .

  12. 目击者称,这名男子手持单管武器,向在大学附近抗议印度新公民法的民众大喊口号。

    Witnesses say the man , holding a single-barrel weapon , shouted slogans against people during the protest against India 's new citizenship law near a university .

  13. 这些活动包括游行、音乐会、节日、烟火表演和为新加拿大公民举行的仪式。

    These include parades , concerts , festivals , firework displays and ceremonies for new Canadian citizens .

  14. 新中国公民政治参与的历史发展

    The Historical Development of New China 's Citizen Participating in Politics

  15. 新时期公民道德环境各要素的优化

    Optimization of All Civic Virtues Environment 's Factors in New Times

  16. 新中国公民权利理论亦经历了漫长的孕育过程。

    The citizen right theory of China also experiences the long pregnant process .

  17. 他继续了肯尼迪的工作,并通过了新的公民权利法案,并进行了减税。

    He continued Kennedy 's work and passed a new civil rights bill and a tax cut .

  18. 自学能力是新时代公民必须具备的基本能力之一。

    Self-study ability is one of the basic abilities which the people must have in the new time .

  19. 这几百年的变迁正在创建着一个新的公民权利与国家责任明确的社会保障国家。

    This change is creating hundreds of years of a new civil rights and state responsibilities clear welfare state .

  20. 本文借鉴了徐教授对生存权内容的划分,形成了新的公民生存权内容体系。

    This paper the professor xu to the division of life content , and formed a new civil rights content system .

  21. 现在请大家跟我一起欢迎美国最新的公民之一上台。

    And with that , I want you to join me in welcoming onto the stage one of Americas newest citizens .

  22. 由一九九八至九九学年开始,教育署在中一至中三的课程加入新的公民教育科。

    Since the 1998-99 school year , a new subject of civic education has been introduced at Secondary 1 to 3 .

  23. 五四宪法的颁布为新中国公民权利理论与实践的发展提供了强大的法律基础。

    The Constitution of 1954 serves as a legislative basis for the theory and practice of the civil right in new China .

  24. 你读地方报纸,就可以知道美国人在不断地组织各种新的公民团体。

    As you read the local newspapers , you will see that Americans are continually forming new kinds of citizens ' groups .

  25. 第二部分对新时期公民道德建设的基本内容、公民道德建设的旨趣、校园文化与公民道德建设的关系几个方面进行了全面的分析研究;

    The second part analyses the basic contents and sense of citizens ' moral construction , and the relationship between campus culture and citizens ' moral construction .

  26. 在大学里搞好文献检索课教学,可以使培养出的大批新世纪公民具有良好的信息意识和信息获取能力。

    In the universities if doing teaching work of information retrieval well , it can cultivate a lot of new citizens who own good consciousness and capacity to get information .

  27. 他经常能看到代尔那,但贵族和流亡者是遭到新法兰西公民的痛恨的,这样医生便不能救代尔那出来。

    He was able to see Darnay regularly , but noblemen and emigrants were hated by the citizens of new France , and the Doctor could not set Darnay free .

  28. 之前教育模式提供的公民形象,经过媒介传播的公民概念在这里重新构建,新的公民形象也应运而生。

    The civil image provided by the former educational pattern , along with the reconstruction of citizen concept by the media communication , the new civil image emerges as the times require .

  29. 而生态道德的培养是中学道德教育目标的重要组成部分,是新世纪公民最基本的素质之一,也是在中学生物教学中贯彻落实《公民道德建设纲要》的重要举措。

    The cultivation of ecologic moral is the important content of the moral education target in middle schools . Its the basic quality that the people must have in the new century . And its the requirement to implement the The outline of the citizens moral construction .

  30. 新媒体和公民新闻所提出的特殊的道德伦理问题

    Special Ethics Issues Raised by New Media and Citizen Journalism