
  • 网络Roman Bath;Roman Baths Museum;the roman baths
  1. 然而,那里的展览将告诉你罗马浴池的历史。

    However , the exhibitions there will tell you the history of the Roman Baths .

  2. 套房选用的是全球一流的材质,同时从应用尽有的视频点播,到热气腾腾的罗马水疗浴池,豪华设施一应俱全。

    The room is crafted from the finest materials from around the world and decked out with every imaginable luxury , from video on demand to a steamy Roman spa .

  3. 本文首先考察罗马共和前期浴池和人们洗浴方式的特点,强调这一阶段罗马人浴池建造的简陋和洗浴方式的简朴是当时特定历史条件的产物。

    Firstly , this paper tends to investigate the characteristics of the piscinas and people 's way of bathing in the early Rome Republic , pointing out that the simplicity of the Roman piscinas and way of bathing in this period attribute to the specific historic conditions at that time .