
  1. 冯补充随着中雅典航线的重开,国航现在拥有13次欧洲航班。

    Feng added that with the resumption of the China-Athens route , Air China now has13 European flights .

  2. 他无法忘了在一场战争中,雅典人杀了他两个儿子。

    He can never forget that his two sons were killed by the Athenians in fair battle .

  3. (公元前395年)在伯罗奔尼撒半岛的决战中打败雅典人的斯巴达指挥官。

    Spartan commander who defeated the Athenians in the final battle of the Peloponnesian War ( d. 395 BC ) .

  4. 2006年10月9日,雷雨中,雅典卫城的古希腊帕特农神殿上面闪过一道美丽的闪电。

    The ancient Greek Parthenon temple , atop the Acropolis hill overlooking Athens , is framed by a lightning bolt during a thunderstorm on Oct.9,2006 .

  5. 发表在《疼痛杂志》的这项研究中,雅典乔治亚大学的研究人员注意到了补充咖啡因对几个年轻女性延迟性肌肉酸痛的影响。

    In the current study , published in the Journal of Pain , researchers at the University of Georgia in Athens looked at the effects of a caffeine supplement on delayed muscle pain in nine young women .

  6. 一般意义上,透视构图存在于任何成功的建筑群体中,如雅典的卫城、意大利的广场、英国的城镇景观(TOWNSCAPE)等。

    Generally speaking , the perspective composition exists in all successful building blocks , i. e. the Acropolis of Athens , the plazas of Italy and the townscape of UK .

  7. ,亚历山大大帝的父亲是腓力二世,马其顿国王,他在公元前338年喀罗尼亚战役中,战胜了雅典及其同盟军,占领了希腊各城邦。

    Hellenization Alexander the Great 's father was Philip II , King of Macedonia , King of Macedon , and he conquered different Greek city-states by defeating Athens and its allies at Chaeronea in338 BC .