
  • 网络allowance system
  1. 教师的岗位考核津贴制体现了津贴与绩效挂钩、按劳取酬,责酬一致,优劳优酬的分配原则。

    The allowance system of teachers ' post assessment reflects the principles of connection between allowance and performance , payment according to performance , agreement between responsibility and allowance , and good payment for good work .

  2. 作为高校深化改革的新举措,岗位津贴制毕竟还不完善。

    However , as a new move of further reform , job subsidies distribution system is still not perfect .

  3. 西南科技大学岗位聘任制和岗位津贴制的改革与探索编制和指派岗位于不同的人。

    Exploration of the Position Engaging System and the System of Position Subsidy in Southwest University of Science and Technology ; reorganize and assign posts to different people .

  4. 首先,在对岗位津贴制的研究现状进行深入分析的基础上,提出以行为研究理论、激励研究理论为指导,研究高校教师的岗位津贴制度。

    First , after the study of the research status quo of post allowance , suggest studying post allowance under the direction of the behavior research theory , motivation theory .

  5. 其次,在设想方案基本思路确立的基础上,提出了高校辅导员激励机制方案的五项内容:聘用制、二年任期制、五级职级制、岗位津贴制和养用机制。

    Secondly , according to the general designing idea , the author brings out five aspects in the incentive mechanism of college students ' construction : employment , two-year terms , five-rank position , post allowance , and training & appointment .

  6. 高校实行津贴期权制的几点思考

    Several ideas of implementing allowance option in institutions of higher learning

  7. 在高校实施津贴期权制,一直争论不断。

    The implementation of allowance option in institutions of higher learning has been a controversial issue .

  8. 对股票期权制进行了界定,介绍了国内高校实行津贴期权制的效果和作用,注意津贴期权制实行的问题。

    This paper defines stock option , introduces the effect and the role of implementing allowance option in domestic institutions of higher learning and focuses on the problems in implementing allowance option .

  9. 他们在讨论假期津贴和弹性工作制,

    and they were talking about holiday allowance and flexible working ,

  10. 1999年&2000年前后,我国许多大学都进行了校内岗位津贴制度改革,逐渐建立起以岗位津贴制为核心的薪酬分配制度。但是这一制度依然没有处理好学术与效率之间的矛盾。

    Many institutions of higher education are trying the post subsidy system reform to create new rewards system since 1999 . But the new system do not deal with the contradiction of science and efficiency well .