
  1. 清·吴瑭所创增液汤用以治疗数日不大便而偏于津亏液干者,其所立“增水行舟”法为津亏便秘的治疗提供了新的途径。

    Wu-tang of Qing Dynasty created Fluid-increasing Decoction to nourish yin , clear away heat and loose bowel to relieve constipation .

  2. 以虚、湿、热、郁、瘀、气滞、津亏、痰为主要证候要素;

    The syndrome key elements were mainly deficiency , dampness , heat , depression , blood stasis , qi-stagnation , fluid consumption and phlegm .

  3. 结论1.湿、气虚、阴虚、燥热、津亏和痰证为本病常见的基本证候,证候组合时主要出现气虚或阴虚的叠加湿或热。

    Wet , qi deficiency , Yin deficiency , dryness-heat flashes , body fluid loss and sputum were common basic syndromes of this disease . The syndrome combinations were deficiency of qi or yin superimposed on wet or dryness-heat .

  4. 结果表明,糖尿病各个证型的血糖和尿糖检测值均有不同程度的差别,其中主要表现为热证的燥热伤津和胃热津亏两型。增液汤治疗便秘(津亏液竭)实验研究

    The result showed that the blood and urine suger values in each type of dia-betes were different . The Experiment Study on Fluid-Increasing Decoction in Treating Constipation Due to Exhaustion of Yin Fluid and Body Fluid