
  1. 类似于罗马陶立克式的古典式样。

    A classical order similar to Roman doric .

  2. 两者都是强大的陶立克式结构,风味,虽然这两个纳入离子柱在其内部。

    Both are structures with strong Doric flavor , although both incorporate Ionic columns in their interiors .

  3. 古希腊建筑中的3种柱式(陶立克式、爱奥尼式及科林斯式)构成了希腊建筑的精髓,并将其造型艺术拟人化。

    In ancient Greece , 3 kinds of orders showed the quintessence of Greek architecture , in an art of personified shape .

  4. 古希腊的建筑形式主要有三种,它们是:陶立克式,爱奥尼亚式和科林斯式。

    In ancient Greek , there were three main styles in architecture , they are : The Doric style , the Ionic style and the Corinthian style .