
táo yě
  • make pottery and smelt metal;mould;cultivate;exert a favorable influence on sb.;edification;edify
陶冶 [táo yě]
  • (1) [make pottery and smelt metal]∶烧造陶器、冶炼金属

  • (2) [mould;cultivate;exert a favurable influence on sb.]∶比喻对人的性格和思想进行培养

陶冶[táo yě]
  1. 艺术创作旨在陶冶情操。

    Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit .

  2. 高雅的作品能陶冶心灵。

    Works of taste can refine the mind .

  3. 他们试图用音乐陶冶这孩子。

    They tried to edify the child with music .

  4. 建议青年学生们读一些陶冶性情的书籍,以提高自己的心智

    Young students are advised to read edifying books to improve their mind .

  5. 亚里士多德不是称人类为理性的动物吗,具有,Logos,的生物,并暗示所有的人类,都有求知欲,且想要陶冶他的身心,并过自由的生活。

    Doesn 't Aristotle call man the rational animal , the being with logos , suggesting that all human beings have a desire for knowledge and the desire to cultivate their minds and live as free persons .

  6. 许三个愿望。坚强起来。陶冶情操。

    Make three wishes . Be strong . Nurture your soul .

  7. 情操陶冶对大学生而言极为重要。

    The edifying of sentiment is very important to college students .

  8. 在某种充满激情的氛围中陶冶情绪的人们。

    People cultivating their feelings in a kind of hothouse atmosphere .

  9. 在我国的教育改革中,已由重知识教育逐步转到重素质、重能力的教育机制上来,注重的是学习方法的掌握和创造精神的陶冶。

    The education mechanism is turning into quality , heavy ability progressively .

  10. 首先,大学教育可以帮助学生陶冶情操。

    First of all , university education can help student cultivate sentiments .

  11. 陶冶:高校素质教育的重要方法

    Cultivation : an important method of quality education in university

  12. 她为陶冶情操而阅读最优秀作家的作品。

    Reading the best authors in an attempt to cultivate her mind .

  13. 论艺术美育对大学生道德情操的陶冶

    On the Moral Sentiments of College Students Molded by the Aesthetic Education

  14. 用体育锻炼身体,用艺术陶冶心灵。

    Take exercises with sports , mould soul with art .

  15. 她为了陶冶情操而阅读经典著作。

    She reads classic novels in an attempt to cultivate her minds .

  16. 健康与体育关系之我见&兼谈体育的陶冶性价值

    My Viewpoints on Health and Sports ── The Edification Values of Sports

  17. 音乐艺术具有陶冶情操、净化心灵的作用。

    Music art has the function of influencing sentiment and purifying mind .

  18. 延安精神是培养和陶冶民族精神、性格、思维方式、价值取向的巨大精神力量,是中华民族精神的重要组成部分。

    Yan an spirit plays an important role in the Chinese spirit .

  19. 音乐具有娱乐性、教育性、陶冶性、启迪性等功能和作用。

    Music have effect on functions of recreation , education and appreciation .

  20. 三年陶冶,连狗也会呤诗颂词。

    After three years even the school dog will begin to recite .

  21. 学校道德教育中陶冶问题探究

    Study of Edification Education in Moral Education of Schools

  22. 以及教材如何陶冶学生的情操三方面分析美国化学教材中的情感因素;

    And how the textbooks nurture students ' sentiment .

  23. 早年时,我做的祷告对我切实具有陶冶作用。

    My prayers had real meaning for me at a very early age .

  24. 王安石陶冶人才方针述评

    Comments on Wang Anshi 's Policy of Molding Talents

  25. 从培养仁爱精神入手,陶冶大学生的道德情感;

    Nurturing moral sensibility via the cultivation of kindheartedness ;

  26. 人的性格陶冶不仅需要快乐,也需要考验和困难。

    Character needs not only joy but trial and difficulty to mellow it .

  27. 阅读引领成长经典陶冶心灵

    Reading Leads to Growing up while Classics Cultivate Characters

  28. 我认为和内尔的交往陶冶了我的身心。

    I suppose the experience with Nell formed me .

  29. 论《唐诗三百首》对中学生人格和审美趣味的陶冶

    " 300 Tang Poems " Edification on Middle School Students ' Personality and Aesthetic

  30. 有些人认为服兵役能陶冶情操。

    Some people think military service is character-building .