
huá tī
  • slide;children's slide
滑梯 [huá tī]
  • [children's slide] 儿童体育活动器械,在高架子的一面装上梯子,另一面装上斜形滑板,儿童从梯子上去,从斜板滑下来

滑梯[huá tī]
  1. 同时,‘wet’(潮湿的)这个单词被写在一个小女孩的黄色衣服上,她坐在游泳圈上正从滑梯上滑下来。

    Meanwhile , the word ' wet ' is written on the yellow swimming costume of the girl coming down the slide on a rubber ring .

  2. KELLYJERRY,Emily的母亲:她原本应该可以继续在滑梯上玩耍。

    KELLY JERRY , EMILY 'S MOTHER : She would go up and down the slide .

  3. 玩《糖果大陆》(CandyLand)或《滑梯与梯子》(ChutesandLadders)等桌上游戏;

    Playing Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders .

  4. 据图片分享应用Instagram的粉丝称,“空中滑梯”相当酷。

    According to Instagram fans , the " Skyslide " is pretty darn cool .

  5. Cool’(凉快的)隐藏在图片左侧底部,而从左侧水滑梯上可以发现‘swim’(游泳)这个单词。

    Cool ' is hidden in the bottom left of the picture , while ' swim ' can be seen on the water slide on the left .

  6. acorn电滑梯特别配置了加垫的座椅和靠背为你提供最舒适的享受

    The Acorn Stairlift has a pedded seat and backrest for maximum comfort .

  7. 而名为ElRioPasivo的水滑梯则可以让游客环绕整个水上乐园,将乐园周围的山峦和瀑布尽收眼底。

    The water ride , El Rio Pasivo , carries riders through the whole water park . They can see the mountains and waterfalls around it .

  8. 边坐边滑边放松认真Acorn滑梯全球电滑梯佼佼�

    Sit , relax , ride with an Acorn Stairlift , the world 's leader in stairlifts .

  9. Han称,谷歌和苹果之类的公司以其自由的工作实践、办公室乒乓球桌和滑梯,已经从娱乐业夺走了最好玩工作环境的桂冠。

    Companies like Google and Apple , with their freewheeling work practices , office ping pong tables and slides , have stolen the entertainment industry 's crown as the most fun place to work , according to Mr Han .

  10. 在旧金山,组织者们在阿拉莫广场(AlamoSquare)的水泥地上开展了一个类似棋盘游戏滑梯和梯子(ChutesandLadders)的活动,参与者必须完成不同的运动才能穿过棋盘。

    In San Francisco , organizers drew a version of the board game Chutes and Ladders on the cement of Alamo Square , requiring different exercises to traverse the board .

  11. 馆内最受欢迎的藏品中包括入口处卡斯特·奥莱(CarstenHoller)的不锈钢互动螺旋滑梯(门票30库纳)。

    Among the most popular pieces are Carsten Holler 's spiraling , interactive , stainless steel slides at the entrance ( 30 kunas ) .

  12. 回到原来的滑梯我想说的是这本杂志非常的好看因为因为portia不仅外表美丽动人还兼具内在美等等等等但是你们都看看啊看那颧骨还有

    Anyway , what was I saying , this is a great magazine , because ... I mean , Portia is beautiful and on the inside too , blablabla ... but look at that , the cheekbones and the ...

  13. 把MaBourgogne咖啡店外面的停车区换成一架秋千或者滑梯,你就拥有了完美的家庭活动地点:一个“父母友好型”场所,也就是说,这儿供应咖啡。

    Replace that parked car outside Ma Bourgogne with a swing or slide , and you 'd have the perfect family spot : parent friendly , which means " with coffee . "

  14. 他开始放开单杠,当他坠落时我及时接住了他。转过身来,我看到Livia爬上滑梯,头向前直接滑进沙坑,还好她没受伤。

    He started hanging off the monkey bars . I caught him just in time as he fell ! When I turned around , I saw that Livia had got onto the slide and slid head first into the sandbox ! Good thing she wasn 't hurt .

  15. 马克轻而易举就击败凯萨琳,溜到滑梯底端。

    Mark easily beat Kathleen to the bottom of the slide .

  16. 你想玩滑梯吗,乔?

    Do you want to play on the slide , joe ?

  17. 在儿童游戏场里有秋千和滑梯。

    There are swings and slides in the children 's playground .

  18. 冰雪大世界里有好多冰滑梯,我们玩得可开心了!

    We had a lot of fun with the ice slides .

  19. 他们没看见马克,就滑下了溜滑梯。

    They don 't see Mark and go down the slide .

  20. 乘坐“空中滑梯”额外收费8美元。

    A ride on the Skyslide costs an additional $ 8 .

  21. (溜滑梯)会变成我们体验生活与建筑生活的一部份吗?

    Can slides become part of our experiential and architectural life ?

  22. 别担心,滑梯非常安全。

    And don 't worry , the slide is perfectly safe .

  23. 请按这种姿势跳入滑梯。

    Please jump onto the escape slide in this fashion .

  24. 你应该一直把你的滑梯开着。

    You shouid keep your siide on all the time .

  25. 妈妈,我要玩滑滑梯。

    Mom , I want to play on a slide .

  26. 他正在操场上玩滑滑梯。

    He is sliding down the slide on the playground .

  27. 铁基自润滑梯度复合层的研究

    Study on the Iron Base Self Lubricant Gradient Composite Layer

  28. 这里有滑梯,我想先玩这个。

    Here is the slide ! I 'd like to try it .

  29. 主出口的滑梯可用作辅助漂浮装置。

    The slides at main door can be used as flotation aid .

  30. 她说。她被卡在了滑梯的顶端。

    She was stuck at the top of the slide .