
yóu yì jī
  • Amusement machine;arcade games/amusements
  1. 基于GPS的滑行车游艺机运行参数测量系统设计

    A Design of the " Sliding Car " Machines Game Running Parameter Measurement System Based on GPS

  2. 丰田新型科斯塔牌小型客车大型游艺机&过山车的安全性分析

    New Coaster Minibus from Toyota Safety Analysis of Roller Coaster

  3. 全液压大型游艺机荷花飞鱼驱动系统的设计

    Design of the Fluid Driving System for Game Machine

  4. GB8408-1987游艺机和游乐设施安全标准

    Safety standard of amusement machines and amusement park equipments

  5. 你的四周有很多游艺机,如旋转木马、滑梯和秋千等。

    You are surrounded by fun things , roundabouts , slides and swings .

  6. 在花园里开游乐会.是中国游艺机游乐园协会、国玩具协会成员单位。

    Is Chinese Mechanical toy Amusement park Association , Chinese Toy Association Member Unit .

  7. 在高空焦虑不已时,你被游艺机的电气动力装置陡直向下抛到地面。

    With anxiety levels on high , you are power-blasted straight down to the ground .

  8. 利用单片机控制大型游艺机具有成本低、可靠性好等优点。

    It has advantage of low cost and high reliability to control large recreation machine by SCM .

  9. 进口的游艺机、游乐设施,按商检的有关规定办理。

    Imports of game machines , amusement facilities , according to the inspection of the relevant regulations .

  10. 第十一条游艺机和游乐设施的运营单位负责提供工程地质资料和气象资料;

    Article XI game machines and amusement facilities operating units responsible for providing geological information and meteorological data ;

  11. 未取得生产许可证的企业、事业单位和个人,严禁生产销售游艺机。

    Without obtaining the license of the enterprises , institutions and individuals , non-production and sales of game machines .

  12. 第三条本规定适用于高空、高速以及可能危及人身安全的游艺机和游乐设施。

    This Article shall apply to high-altitude , high speed and may endanger the safety of amusement and recreational facilities .

  13. 起初你把自己扣牢在座椅上的时候,会觉得乘坐这台游艺机似乎并不那么可怕。

    When you are buckling yourself into your seat at the start , the ride does not seem so daunting .

  14. 第八条凡实施工业产品生产许可证管理的游艺机产品,必须符合国家工业产品生产许可证管理的有关规定。

    Article where the implementation of industrial production permit of amusement products must meet the national industrial production permit the relevant provisions .

  15. 游乐园(场)等运营单位之间转卖游艺机、游乐设施,按照本条规定办理。

    Amusement park ( field ) and other operational units sold between amusement , recreational facilities , in accordance with provisions of this section .

  16. 在《游艺机与游乐设施安全》(GB8408&2000)中也没有明确设备基础的设计方法与安全储备。

    The safety stock is not definite in the reference of Safety of Amusement Machines and Amusement Park Equipments ( GB8408 & 2000 ) .

  17. 对绕水平轴回转类大型游艺机进行了设计分析与探讨,提出了一种绕水平轴双向回转的传动装置。

    By analyzing the design for large-scale entertainment machines with gearings revolving round horizontal axle , a new two-way rotary gear device is presented .

  18. 对各项游艺机、游乐设施要分别制定操作规程,运行管理人员守则,定期检查维修保养等制度。

    The various game machines , amusement facilities , operational procedures were developed to run code of management , maintenance and other regular inspection system .

  19. 中国游艺机游乐园协会(游协)是亚洲娱乐和观光业买卖双方中间联系的牵头人。

    The China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions ( CAAPA ) is the Asian wide leader in connecting buyers and suppliers in the attractions industry .

  20. 第十条游乐园(场)等运营单位,添置游艺机和游乐设备,应当执行进货检查验收制度。

    Article amusement park ( field ) and other operating units , purchase game machines and amusement equipment , should perform incoming inspection and acceptance system .

  21. 同努力下不断发展,开发设计出各类游艺机配件产品,伴随着生产设备、生产工艺、工。

    With the efforts of the development , design development of all types of recreation machine accessories , along with production equipment , production process , the .

  22. 为了您的安全,如果您有高血压,心脏病或者怀孕,请不要乘坐该游艺机。

    For your safety , if you have the conditions of high blood pressure , heart disease , pregnancy , you are not allowed to aboard the jungle flying train .

  23. 游乐园(场)等运营单位,对游艺机和游乐设施,除日检查、周检查、月检查外,必须每年按规定检修一次。

    Amusement park ( field ) and other operating units , for amusement and recreational facilities , in addition to day checks , weekly checks , monthly checks , must be required to repair each time .

  24. 所谓赌博电玩是指一切具有退币、退弹珠、退奖卷、荧屏计分等赌博功能的电玩,其大多以“游艺机”的面目出现,以盈利为目的。

    The so-called gambling gaming is all a coin , marbles back , roll back awards , screen design features of the electronic grading gambling games , the most of the " amusement " of his appearance , for profit .