
yóu tǐnɡ mǎ tou
  • marina
  1. 游艇码头设计

    On the Design of Marina

  2. 目前国内游艇码头的设计尚处于起步阶段,缺乏建设经验和相关标准、规范。

    At present , marina design in China is still at its starting stage and there is still lack of construction experience and relevant standards and codes .

  3. 造游艇码头现在是时候吗?

    Is it time for building port for yachts ?

  4. 泉州某游艇码头工程方案设计

    Project Design of the Yacht Dock Engineering in Quanzhou

  5. 他们要修建一座巨大的游艇码头。

    They 're building a goddam yacht harbor . mooring the rowboat at the dock ;

  6. 叫他周末到游艇码头来,我亲自划过来。

    Tell him to come by the boat basin this weekend . I 'll row it down myself .

  7. 游艇码头含游艇俱乐部、栈桥、观景平台、游艇码头四部分。

    The yacht dock project includes four parts such as yacht club , trestle , viewing platform and dock .

  8. 符合国际化管理标准,并能提供完善设施和服务的一期游艇码头已对外开放。

    The first phase of Yacht Club is opening now , we can supply good facilities and thoughtful service .

  9. 游艇码头技术研究是在设计实践和国内、外调研、考察的基础上完成的。

    Technical research on marina terminal is carried out based on the design practice and investigation both in China and abroad .

  10. 太阳下山时,我想我们会返回营地,埃里克敦促我们走下游艇码头。

    As the sun set I presumed we were heading back to camp , Erik urged us to drop by the marina .

  11. 恩蒂埃将码头水岸方面的技术专长与建筑规划领域的深厚功力完美结合起来,从而打造出众多艺术化的游艇码头度假村。

    NDA combines perfectly the marina technical know-how with the urban planning & architecture expertise , and has created various innovative and state-of-art marina resorts .

  12. 属于这位32岁的加拿大阿尔伯达省卡尔加里的当地人的拖车,在偏远的华盛顿西北部的布莱恩镇游艇码头被发现。

    A car and empty boat trailer belonging to the32-year-old Calgary , Alberta native were found at a marina in the remote northwest Washington town of Blaine .

  13. 除游艇码头外,滨海新区还将建造游艇制造基地、维修中心、交易中心、游艇俱乐部、五星级酒店和顶级商业设施。

    A yacht manufacturing base , a maintenance center , a trade center , yacht clubs , five-star hotels and top-class commercial facilities are under construction in the TBNA .

  14. 本文简述了游艇码头的选址、总平面布置、工艺系统、水工结构的一般要求和主要参数的确定,供同类码头设计时参考、借鉴。

    This paper introduces in brief the general requirement and determination of main parameters of site selection , general layout , process system and hydraulic structures , which may serve as a reference for similar design .

  15. 许多建设如住家、道路、购物中心、停车场等,已经扰乱了海岸地区天然的排水系统;原本该由森林或湿地过滤下来的排泄物,现在却经常污染游艇码头与海滩。

    The construction of so many homes , roads , shopping centers and parking lots has disrupted the natural drainage systems in coastal areas , and wastes that were once filtered by forests or wetlands are now regularly fouling marinas and beaches .

  16. 此一年度赛事明年起可能取消,因为一项在碧砂渔港兴建游艇停泊码头的工程今年稍晚预定开工,此一工程为期4年,耗资新台币2亿元。

    The annual race is expected to be canceled next year as a four-year NT $ 200 million project for the construction of yacht mooring sites at the port is set to start later this year .

  17. 五缘湾湿地公园内,环境优美,步行至五缘湾游艇帆船港码头约10分钟。

    In the Wuyuan bay , you can walk to Wuyuan bay marina in10 minutes .

  18. 两人是朋友,他们最近在丹格特游艇旁边的码头上讨论了细节问题,但还没有公开达成协议。

    The two men , who are friends , recently talked over the details on a dock next to the billionaire 's yacht but haven 't announced an agreement . '

  19. 但在中国,类似于南沙码头和一洋国际游艇俱乐部这样的游艇码头寥寥无几。此外,中国仍然缺少某些支持超级游艇的基础设施,比如修理厂。更不用说也没有像地中海那样美丽的海岸线。

    While China has a few key marinas like Nansha Marina in Guangzhou and Ocean One International Yacht Club , it still lacks some of the infrastructure to support superyachts , such as repair yards , as well as the Mediterranean 's pretty coastline .