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  1. 但是这类脱离实际的游想只短暂停留了一会儿,很快饥饿的痛楚就把他唤醒了。

    But these excursions out of the real were of brief duration , for ever the pangs of the bunger-bite called him back .

  2. 抗议者们手持装满假钱的手提箱,展示游行者想表达的意思,即大公司收买议员来获取不公平的政治优势。

    This protester carries a briefcase overflowing with play money to illustrate the demonstrators " contention that big corporations buy off lawmakers to gain unfair political advantage .

  3. 青蛙A边游边想,看来今天是没希望了,还游什么呢?这样想着,四肢越来越划不动了。

    The A side of the frog swims a side to think and seeing to today hoped and also swim what ? Think like this , the arms and legs more and more coulds not row .

  4. 想去霍格沃茨一游吗?想挑战神龙过山车吗?顺便再给自己买一个“金色飞贼”?

    Want to take a trip to Hogwarts , take part in the Dragon Challenge or even buy your own Golden Snitch ?

  5. 游啊游,想怎么游就怎么游。

    Swim , swim as you like .

  6. 瑞恩:但这不是个购物游啊!他们想让我们完成些烦人的团队领导任务,然后再说些大话。

    Ryan : But it 's not going to be a shopping trip ! They 're going to make us do crappy leadership tasks and all that malarkey .