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qiān kè
  • moved-in squire
迁客 [qiān kè]
  • [degraded official] 遭贬迁的官员

  • 迁客骚人。--宋. 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》

  1. 谗言如浪深迁客似沙沉&秦观悲剧的一生及其对他的评价

    Calumny Like Waves , Moved-in Squire Like Deposited Sand & The Miserable Life of Qin Guan and a Value on Him

  2. 迁客离忧楚地颜&略说贬谪文学与荆湘地域之关系及其特点

    Cultural Supplement in Chu by Sorrowful Exiles & Brief Analysis on the Relationship Between Relegation Literature and Jin Xiang Region and the Characteristics