
  • 网络migration rate;mobility;migration velocity
  1. 消淤片对粥样硬化兔血清LDL电泳迁移速率及含TC和TG含量的影响

    Effects of Xiaoyu tablets on the electrophoretic mobility of serum LDL and levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride of LDL in atherosclerotic rabbits

  2. PAC及其复合物电荷密度的影响因素分析盘状液晶有较高的载流子迁移速率,作为有机半导体材料有广泛的应用前景。

    Application of High Charge Density PAC in Neutral Papermaking Discotic liquid crystals possess high charge carrier mobility and show huge potential application as organic electronic materials .

  3. 在强震发生前,发现平均能量迁移速率VΔT值是减少的。

    It is discovered that the average energy migration rates V △ T before strong earthquakes decrease .

  4. 此外,逼近阳极法还显著增大了土壤中Cd的迁移速率,从而缩短了修复过程所耗时间。

    Besides , Cd migration velocity was largely increased and the whole operating time was accordingly saved .

  5. Sr2+在沸石柱中的迁移速率最小,其次是4A沸石柱,再其次是凹凸棒石柱。

    The Sr2 + migration rate was the lowest in zeolite column , higher in 4A zeolite column and the highest in attapulgite column .

  6. 对中性溶质在氰基柱上的毛细管电色谱(CEC)分离特征进行了研究,讨论了流动相中有机调节剂种类及其体积分数、缓冲液种类等对溶质迁移速率的影响。

    The separation mechanism for neutral solutes on a cyano column in capillary electrochromatography ( CEC ) was investigated and the effects of components of mobile phases and the kinds of buffers on retention of samples were studied .

  7. 异常迁移速率不是线性增加,而为非线性递增。

    The anomaly migration velocity does not increase linearly but non linearly .

  8. 基于高密度采样的土壤重金属分布特征及迁移速率

    Distribution and Migration of Heavy Metals in Soil Profiles by High-Resolution Sampling

  9. 黄土高原土壤物理性质对养分迁移速率的影响

    Effects of Soil Physical Properties on Nutrient Transport Velocity in Loess Plateau

  10. 界面极化电阻涉及钠离子迁移速率问题。

    Interfacial polarization resistance of sodium ions involved in the migration rate .

  11. 地震前兆异常迁移速率的非线性变化特征及其力学解释

    The nonlinear variation characteristics of seismic precursor anomaly migration velocity and its mechanical interpretation

  12. 唐山7.8级地震前区域地震迁移速率变化特征

    The characteristics of the change of the regional seismic migratory velocity before the m_s7.8 Tangshan earthquake

  13. 盘状液晶有较高的载流子迁移速率,作为有机半导体材料有广泛的应用前景。

    Discotic liquid crystals possess high charge carrier mobility and show huge potential application as organic electronic materials .

  14. 统万城历史自然景观重建及毛乌素沙漠迁移速率的初探

    Reconstruction of historical natural landscape on Tongwan City area and preliminary discussion on the shift rate of Mu Us Desert

  15. 结果表明,其动力学控制方程中扩散原子迁移速率和扩散驱动力均为指数型函数。

    It was found that both mobility and diffusion driving force which are the two main parameters in kinetics equation are the exponential function .

  16. 新晶粒的界面迁移速率在迁移过程中不断下降,以至最后几乎停止迁移。

    The migration rate of new grains continuously decreased , many of them even stopped growing at a certain size and remained unchanged during long annealing time .

  17. 同时,实验数据表明通过对数据迁移速率进行控制,可以提高10%-40%的前台应用吞吐量。

    At the same time , the experiments also showed that the foreground application throughput could improve 10 % - 40 % by controlling the data migration rate .

  18. 成果表明计算区域海底沙波在正常水流条件下迁移速率相对较小,可视为比较稳定的地貌类型,对该海域海底工程的顺利实施提供了理论依据。

    So this region can be regarded as a relatively stable type of landscape . These results provide a theoretical basis that the submarine project can be successfully implementation .

  19. 盘状液晶能自组装成高度有序的六方柱状相,因而具有较高各向异性的载流子迁移速率,其作为有机半导体材料有广泛的应用前景。

    Discotic liquid crystals self-assemble to highly ordered hexagonal columnar mesophase ( Colho ), exhibit anisotropic high charge carrier mobility and show huge potential application as organic electronic materials .

  20. 肝癌细胞的侵袭转移特性在体外二维培养中表现为细胞频发形变,粘附不稳定,迁移速率增快和迁移方向频繁改变。

    Constant cell morphological deformation , unstable adhesion , increased migration rate and frequently changed migration direction are the characteristics of the invasion and metastasis of tumor cells in culture .

  21. 酶生物燃料电池的寿命短以及能量密度低都与酶的稳定性、电子迁移速率和酶载量相关。

    The two problems of enzyme-based biofuel cells are short lifetime and poor power density , both of which are related to enzyme stability , electron transfer rate and enzyme loading .

  22. 通过测量离子迁移速率与迁移电场强度的关系以及离子迁移谱的重复性,对自行设计的离子迁移谱仪主体结构的性能进行了验证。

    By detecting the relationship between ion migration rate and electric field and measuring the reproducibility of ion mobility spectrometry , the performance of the main structure of IMS was verified .

  23. 针对前人对电磁力场(尤其是交变场)作用下刚性颗粒迁移速率研究不够充分的问题,本文采用行波磁场和电解液模拟体系进行了探讨。

    Contrapose that the relation between the rate of hard particle and the electromagnetic force ( EMF ) was not so far studied , we carried out further research by using electrolyte and travelling magnetic field ( TMF ) .

  24. 扩散原子迁移速率是鞍点能的指数函数,在低浓度区受温度和浓度的影响很小,趋近于常数;在高浓度区,随着温度的增加而增加,随着浓度的增加而减小。

    The mobility is the exponential function of saddle point energy , and It is a constant in the low concentration region . In the high concentration region , the mobility increases with increasing the temperature whereas decreases with increasing the concentration .

  25. 即砷的迁移符合速率常数逐渐降低的零级动力学。

    Namely the migration of arsenic matched the zero order reaction with the reaction rate constant gradually reduced .

  26. 实验结果显示,浮压干燥比常压干燥能明显加快木材内水分迁移的速率,特别是在低含水率阶段(纤维饱和点以下)更明显。

    When the moisture content is below fibre saturation point , the movement of absorbed water is subdivided into two parts : one i.

  27. 根据模型计算结果,分别获得了三氮与石油类污染物在包气带的迁移转化速率以及对地下水的输入量。

    According to the model calculation results , the migration and transportation rates of the two pollutants and the input quantity of groundwater were obtained .

  28. 也计算了甲酸二聚体与Cl原子的H迁移反应的速率常数。

    The H abstraction reaction of formic acid dimer with Cl atom was also considered .

  29. 298K时,采用经典过渡态理论计算得到的引发步骤的H迁移反应的速率常数与实验值符合很好。

    The calculated TST rate constants of the initial H abstraction step are in good agreement with the experimental result .

  30. 不同土地类型下重金属随暴雨径流迁移过程及速率对比

    Transportation processes and rates of heavy metals in an artificial rainstorm runoff under different land use types