
  • 网络Supercritical Water;scw;super critical water
  1. 研究表明,超临界水降解塑料和橡胶技术,从工艺方面讲是可行的。

    Degradation of plastic and rubber in SCW is feasible on technique .

  2. 本文全面介绍了超临界水及其溶液性质和超临界水化学反应的特点;

    The properties of SCW and its solution , the characteristic of SCW were introduced in detail .

  3. 根据催化超临界水氧化技术的原理,从均相催化氧化和非均相催化氧化两个方面,研究了进水pH值和活性炭对超临界水降解有机物的影响。

    The homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyzed oxidation of organic pollutants in SCW were studied under the different pH and with activated carbon as catalyst .

  4. 实验结果显示,超临界水可将PS及PS/PP混合塑料降解为液态油状物。

    The results show that PS and PS / PP can be degraded into oily product in supercritical water .

  5. 为了开发超临界水氧化技术和超临界水电力技术,研究了五种不锈钢和一种镍基合金在192、292和392°C高温高压水中的耐腐蚀性。

    Five types of stainless steels and one type of nickel base alloy were tested for corrosion resistance in high temperature high pressure water at 192 , 292 , and 392 ° C.

  6. 通过计算模拟、拉曼光谱、NMR以及衍射分析对超临界水静态结构进行了广泛的研究,氢键结构是这些研究的重要内容。

    Simulative computation , Raman spectroscopy , NMR and diffraction are the important methods to study the static structures of supercritical water .

  7. MnO2-CeO2催化超临界水氧化苯胺废水

    Oxidation of Aniline Wastewater in Supercritical Water over MnO_2-CeO_2 Catalyst

  8. 用于超临界水堆燃料包壳的ODS铁素体钢的研究进展

    Progress of Using Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Ferritic Steels as Fuel Cladding Materials in Supercritical Water Reactor

  9. 对聚苯乙烯(PS)和聚苯乙烯(PS)与聚丙烯(PP)的混合塑料进行了超临界水降解实验。

    The degradations of polystyrene ( PS ) and the mixture of PS / polypropylene ( PP ) in supercritical water were studied in this article .

  10. ICP法测定超临界水氧化设备腐蚀液中铜、铬、铝、镍、钛

    Study on the Determination Cu , Cr , Al , Ni and Ti in Corrosion Solution of Oxidation Equipment in Supercritical Water by ICP

  11. 超临界水氧化技术对有机污染物有着很好的去除效果,在实验条件下,高浓度有机污染物的COD去除可以达到99%以上。

    Supercritical Water Oxidation can achieve great effects on organic decomposition . On experimental conditions , the COD elimination effects of the high concentration organic can exceed 99 % .

  12. 废液处理新工艺超临界水氧化(SCWO)评述

    Assessment of Supercritical Water Oxidation ( SCWO ) in Waste Water Treatment

  13. 在间歇式实验装置上对超临界水氧化技术处理含油污水进行了研究,主要考察了COD的脱除率与反应时间、温度和压力的关系。

    Oil-bearing sewage treated by supercritical water oxidation technique is studied in intermittent experiment equipment . The relation among dislodgement ratio of COD , time , temperature and pressure is studied .

  14. 本文介绍了功率超声降解有机污染物的原理:声空化理论及功率超声降解过程中导致有机物分解的三个主要机理,即高温热解机理、OH自由基氧化机理以及超临界水氧化机理。

    The paper introduces the principle and the main mechanism of ultrasonic degradation for organic contaminants , such as Cavitation theory ( the basic theory ), Pyrolysis mechanism , OH radical oxidation mechanism and Supercritical water oxidation mechanism .

  15. 实验结果表明:煤与CMC共超临界水催化气化制氢的主要气体产物是H2、CO2和CH4,H2的体积分数可高达60%以上;

    The experimental results show that H_2 , CO_2 and CH_4 are the main product gases , and the molar fraction of hydrogen reaches in excess of 60 % .

  16. 用超临界水氧化法处理黑索今(RDX)废水进行了试验研究,探讨了反应温度、时间和压力等因素对处理效果的影响。

    Using supercritical water oxidation process to treat RDX wastewater , the influences of reaction temperature , time and pressure on the treatment effect were discussed .

  17. 采用Mn2O3γAl2O3和V2O5γAl2O3为催化剂,在一连续流固定床反应器中进行了超临界水氧化1,5萘二磺酸实验。

    Naphthalene-1,5-disulfonic acid was oxidized in supercritical water using Mn_2O_3 / γ - Al_2O_3 and V_2O_5 / γ - Al_2O_3 as catalysts in a packed-bed flow reactor .

  18. 对于水(包括超临界水)、醇类和HF等流体在宽广的压力和温度范围内,使用实验数据对本方程进行检验,其自扩散系数的相对平均偏差在7.5%左右。

    The equation reproduces the experimental self-diffusion coefficient with average relative error of about 7.5 % for water ( including the super-critical water ), alcohols and hydrogen fluoride over wide ranges of temperature and pressure .

  19. 研究了以超临界水氧化法(SCWO)处理乙醇废水的工艺过程。

    As the typical representation of alcohols wastewater ethanol was selected and its oxidation in supercritical water was investigated .

  20. 研究了间歇式反应器中城市污泥的超临界水氧化反应(SCWO)。

    The experiments of supercritical water oxidation ( SCWO ) of municipal sludge were conducted in a batch reactor .

  21. 用超临界水氧化法对偏二甲肼废水进行了试验研究,结果表明:以O2为氧化剂采用该法能有效地氧化分解废水中的偏二甲肼。

    The tests on the treatment of unsymmetrical dimethyl-hydrazine wastewater by supercritical water oxidation process were carried out . The results show that the process with O_2 oxidant can efficiently oxidize unsymmetrical demethyl-hydrazine .

  22. 以甘蓝为原料在盘管流通式反应器中在550℃,25MPa超临界水条件下进行了生物质气化试验以考察H2O2浓度的影响。

    The gasification of cabbage in supercritical water at 550 ℃ and 25 MPa in a tubular flow reactor was examined .

  23. 采用超临界水氧化(SCWO)技术在连续蒸发壁式反应器内处理高浓度丙烯酸废水。

    Wastewater containing acrylic acid was treated by supercritical water oxidation ( SCWO ) technology in a continuous transpiring wall reactor .

  24. 在间歇式超临界水氧化反应装置上进行含油废水的超临界水氧化实验研究,反应温度390~430℃、压力24~28MPa、反应时间30~90s。

    Oil-bearing sewage treated by supercritical water oxidation technique ( SCWO ) was studied in intermittent equipment at 390 ~ 430 ℃, 24 ~ 28 MPa , reaction residence time 30 ~ 90 s.

  25. 综述了近年来矿物燃料和烃的模型化合物在超临界水(SCW)作用下的转化和改质。

    A number of research works on conversion and reforming of fossil fuel with supercritical water ( SCW ) were reviewed .

  26. 结果表明:在反应温度为420℃的条件下,PP经热分解全部转化成液体油状物,而超临界水分解只有63%的分解率,反应较热分解进程缓慢;

    The results indicate that PP can be totally transferred into an oily product when the thermal decomposition temperature is 420 ° C , while only 63 % of the reactors are decomposed by supercritical water and the process is slower than the former .

  27. 根据相似相溶原理,溶剂大多数为有机物,分离后对环境造成严重污染,如果用超临界水或超临界CO2做溶剂,将产生良好的效果。

    According to principle of " like dissolves like " most of solvents are organics . There is too much environment pollution after the compounds are separated . If supercritical water and supercritical dioxide are used as solvent , the effect would be better .

  28. 采用Cu2+为催化剂、H2O2为氧化剂,在一连续流反应器中进行了催化超临界水氧化对氨基苯酚实验。

    The catalytic oxidation of para-aminophenol in supercritical water with oxidation catalyst Cu ~ ( 2 + ) and oxidant H_2O_2 was investigated in a tubular continuous flow reactor at 24 ~ 30 MPa , 480 ~ 500 ℃ .

  29. 湿式空气氧化法(WAO)和超临界水氧化法(SCWO)废水处理技术近年已有广泛研究。

    Wet air oxidation ( WAO ) and supercritical water oxidation ( SCWO ) as innovative wastewater treatment technologies have received considerable research attention in recent years .

  30. 根据分析结果提出新的改进组件。采用新的改进组件,可以提高使用MOX燃料的超临界水堆的安全性能。

    According to the analysis , a new SCWR improved assembly design is presented , which could be used to improve the safety performance of SCWR with MOX fuel .