
  1. 我在花生酱后面还发现一本新的超人漫画!

    I found a new Superman comic tucked behind the peanut butter .

  2. 由于他的家庭背景,很多他所熟知的东西,我从来都没有听说过,比如R&B音乐,麦克杰克逊和超人漫画等等。

    Due to his family background , he just knew something which I had never heard of , such as R & B music , MJ and those comics .

  3. 我喜欢看超人连环漫画书。

    I like to read Superman comic books .

  4. 1938年出版的一本“超人”漫画创刊号近日在纽约创纪录地拍出100万美元的天价。

    A1938 copy of the first comic featuring Superman has sold for a record-smashing one million dollars in New York .

  5. 乔喜欢看《超人》的漫画书。

    Joe loved to read ' Superman ' comics .

  6. 大都会这个名字来自于一本叫《超人》的漫画,漫画中的这个城市就是克隆纽约的。

    Metropolis is the fictional name of the New York City clone in the comic book Superman .