
  • 网络Ultrasonic attenuation;BUA;Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation BUA
  1. 现有悬浮液超声衰减理论的研究大多只限于以球体离散相介质为散射元模型构成的悬浮液系统。

    Most theoretical studies on ultrasonic attenuation in suspension were limited to the suspension system in which the scatterer model is composed of spheral solid particles in disperse phase .

  2. 其超声衰减系数α随孔径d的减小、孔隙率Ps的增加和比表面积Sv的增加而增大。

    Ultrasonic attenuation coefficient α of cellular Al alloy foam increases with decreasing pore diameter d , with increasing porosity P and with increasing specific surface Sv .

  3. 根据Fisher的超导涡旋玻璃相理论,提出了高温超导体混合态超声衰减的涡旋形态模型。

    According to Fisher 's theory of the superconducting vortex glass , the vortex morphology model concerning the ultrasonic attenuation in the mixed state of high TC superconductor is presented .

  4. 测量了Al-0.021wt-%Cu在拉压过程中的超声衰减的变化,结果与其他研究者的不同.并用位错的弓出、缩回与滑移予以解释。

    The authors measured the change of ultrasonic attenuation in Al-0.021wt % Cu alloy during push-pull fatigue process and obtained a result different from that of other researchers , and explained this change with the movement of bowing , returning and slipping of dislocations .

  5. 以上述纸浆悬浮液超声衰减模型为基础,论文采用符号计算软件Maple编写了数值计算软件包,实现了超声衰减模型的计算机描述。

    Based on above ultrasonic attenuation model in pulp suspension , a numerical computation software package was programmed with symbol computing software Maple to implement the computer description of ultrasonic attenuation model .

  6. 第二章我们研究了La(1.88-y)NdySr(0.12)CuO4体系的结构、输运行为以及超声衰减特性。

    In chapter two , the structure , transport properties , ultrasonic sound velocity and attenuation of La_ ( 1.88-y ) Nd_ySr_ ( 0.12 ) CuO_4 were studied .

  7. 方法60例健康老年男性按照宽波段超声衰减(BUA)值分成骨量正常组(A组)、骨量减少组(B组)和骨质疏松组(C组)。

    Methods 60 elderly healthy men were divided into three groups , 20 with normal bone density ( Group A ), 20 with osteopenia ( Group B ) and 20 with osteoporosis ( Group C ), according to broadband ultrasound attenuation ( BUA ) .

  8. 交联剂的加入使共聚物MMA-MAA和ST-MAA的超声衰减明显增大。

    Adding crosslinkers EGD or BA in MMA-MAA and in ST-MAA , ultrasonic attenuation increases , velocity decreases evidently .

  9. 观察到在a方向和c方向,超声衰减在130K附近有一个衰减峰;a方向的声速变化随温度降低线性增加,而c方向上在165K附近声速变化的斜率有明显的变化。

    We have observed that there are ultrasonic attenuation peaks in both α and b directions around 130 K , that the sonic velocity increases linearly with the decrease of the temperature and that there is a note-worthy nonlinear change of velocity in c direction around 165 K.

  10. 实验结果表明:在所测温区存在着一个宽而较强的超声衰减蜂,峰的位置及强度随频率和AgI浓度而改变,具有典型的弛豫特征。

    It is found that attenuation curve has a high and wide peak , the position and intensity of which change with the measured frequency and concentration of silver iodide , having a typical relaxation characteristics .

  11. 超声衰减和速度谱测量亚微米乳液的粒径

    Droplet sizing of submicron emulsions by ultrasonic attenuation and velocity spectra

  12. 38例正常孕妇的胎盘超声衰减系数

    Vivo Determination of Placenta Ultrasonic Attenuation Coefficients in Normal Pregnant Women

  13. 碳纤维复合材料孔隙率的脉冲反射法超声衰减测试模型

    Pulse-echo based ultrasonic attenuation model for porosity test of carbon fiber composites

  14. 碳纤维复合材料对超声衰减的频域分析

    Frequency spectral analysis for the ultrasonic attenuation of carbon fiber reinforced plastics

  15. 肝脏超声衰减特性研究(一)&肝脏超声衰减系数体内测定正常值研究

    Vivo Estimation of Liver Ultrasonic Attenuation Coefficient in Normal Person

  16. 岩石非均匀性对超声衰减的影响及其修正

    The Effect of Heterogeneity on Rock 's Ultrasonic Attenuation and Its Correction

  17. Al&Cu合金在拉压循环过程中的超声衰减

    The variation of ultrasonic attenuation in Al-Cu alloy during push-pull fatigue process

  18. 用超声衰减法研究喷射沉积6061Al/SiCp复合材料的阻尼性能

    Ultrasonic attenuation coefficient of the spray-atomized and co-deposited 6061Al / SiCp composite

  19. 超声衰减可表征聚合物共混物的相容性和相形态结构。

    Ultrasonic attenuation can characterize the miscibility and phase morphologies of polymer blends .

  20. 超声衰减增益补偿电路的设计

    Design of time gain compensation circuit for ultrasonic signals

  21. 超声衰减系数是超声传播特性中的一个重要参数,实验表明根据超声衰减系数的变化可以评估45钢的塑性损伤。

    The ultrasonic attenuation coefficient is an important parameter in the ultrasonic propagation .

  22. 脂肪-肌肉组织超声衰减特性的研究

    A Study on Ultrasonic Attenuation Characteristic of Fat-muscular Tissue

  23. 用正电子湮没和超声衰减方法研究金属疲劳

    Study of fatigue by PAT and ultrasonic decay method

  24. 孔结构参数对闭孔泡沫铝合金超声衰减性能的影响

    Effect of Porous Structural Parameters on Ultrasonic Attenuation Capacity of Cellular Al Alloy

  25. 正常人肝、脾超声衰减系数测定

    Determination of ultrasonic attenuation of normal liver and spleen

  26. 挤制紫铜棒探伤时超声衰减严重原因分析

    Analysis of the cause of serious sound attenuation in ultrasonic inspection of extruded copper bars

  27. 试验结果表明,豆乳在凝固超声衰减曲线上有一明显转折点即凝固初始点。

    The result showed that there is a turn point on the ultrasonic attenuation curve .

  28. 超声衰减谱法是一种应用范围比较广的粒度表征技术。

    Ultrasonic attenuation spectroscopy is a relatively wide range of applications ofparticle size characterization technique .

  29. 本文对超声衰减系数和超声声速断层成像的测量过程进行了描述。

    This paper describes the measurement procedure of ultrasonic attenuation coefficients and ultrasonic velocity tomography .

  30. 循环应变波形对铝疲劳过程中超声衰减的影响

    Influence of the cyclic strain waveform on the ultrasonic attenuation during the fatigue process of aluminium