
  • 网络metallography;Metallurgy;physical metallurgy
  1. 金属学原理教学模式改革的教育心理学研究

    Educational Psychology Study of Teaching Model Reform of Metallography

  2. 《金属学》若干基本概念问题

    Some Questions about Basic Concepts of Metallography

  3. TiN涂层金属学特性对高速钢刀具耐用度的影响

    Influence of Coating Characteristics on Durability of TiN-Coated HSS Cutting Tools

  4. 不同沉积工艺下TiN涂层金属学特性的研究

    Study of Metallography Characteristic of TiN Coating Deposited by Different Deposition Process

  5. 某些沉淀硬化不锈钢的金属学问题

    On the metallurgical problems of some precipitation hardening stainless steels

  6. 金属学与热处理试题库系统的设计

    Design of Examination Questions Stock System for Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment

  7. 火电机组材料的金属学问题

    Metallographic Problems of the Materials for Fossil Power Unit

  8. 不锈钢堆焊层剥离断裂的金属学本质

    Metallographic Essence of Hydrogen-induced Disbonding of Stainless Weld Overlay

  9. 腐蚀金属学;常用金属海水腐蚀数据管理及预测系统

    Study the corrosion data management and prediction system of steel used in seawater

  10. 炼镁还原罐用耐热钢成份设计中的金属学问题

    Metallurgical Problems in Heat-Resistance Steel Composition Design of Deoxidizing Ladle for Refining Mg

  11. 钎接界面的动态金属学行为

    Dynamic metallurgical behavior of brazing interface of steel rod

  12. 超声引线键合点形态及界面金属学特征

    Study on the Configuration and the Interfacial Metallurgic Characteristics of Ultrasonic Wire Bonds

  13. 《金属学》是冶金、材料及机械类专业重要的技术基础课。

    Metallograpy is an important basic course for majors in Metallurgy , Material Science and Mechanics .

  14. 阐述了连铸连轧的基本方式及其金属学特点。

    The principal processes and physical metallurgy of direct connection of continuous casting-hot rolling technology is reviewed .

  15. 阐述了一个《金属学与热处理》试题库系统的设计方法。

    This paper presents a design method of examination questions stock for physical metallurgy and heat treatment .

  16. 就斑铜的历史、古代和现代班铜技术、用金属学理论分析了获得宏观大斑花的依据、证明了古代和现代斑铜工艺的合理性。

    Metallographic theory and analysis have been proved the rationality of ancient and current technology for making variegated copper .

  17. 根据《金属学原理》的特点,提出了多媒体课件中的动画制作要求。

    According to the characterization of metallography principle , the request of animation in the multimedia course software was proposed .

  18. 它涉及金属学、传热学和塑性力学理论,并以此为基础,交叉发展而成。

    It is related to metallurgy , thermology , and the theory of plasticity and developed on the basis of them .

  19. 铸件凝固过程及组织的控制是金属学领域研究的重要内容之一。

    How to control the solidification process of castings as well as their microstructure is an important interest in materials science .

  20. 本文针对以上问题深入的分析了铌、钛材本身的金属学性质,提出在张力作用下冷轧铌、钛短板。

    Based on the analysis of metallic characters of niobium and titanium , cold rolling niobium and titanium slab under tension condition was brought forward .

  21. 依据玻璃成型的特点,从金属学和热力学角度,分析了金属与玻璃之间的粘结及金属在高温下氧化对玻璃模具选材的制约。

    According to the characteristic of glass molding , such as metallography and thermodynamic , paper analyzes the conglutination between metal and glass at high temperature .

  22. 他毕业于莫斯科理工学院,刚刚毕业的时候他的职业为物理学研究员,主攻方向为金属学。

    A graduate of the Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology ( MIPT ), he began his career as a research physicist , specializing in metals .

  23. 简述黄铜在雨季发生裂纹,锌发生晶体孪脱时,出现“哭声”等金属学现象。

    And the phenomena was also introduced briefly that brass cracks , and when zinc crystal is peeled off twice , zinc sounds like a cry at the rain season .

  24. 对本科大学生在专业基础课学习阶段的心理特点进行了研究,并介绍了结合教育心理学的研究成果进行金属学原理教学模式改革的基本内容。

    This paper studies the college students ' psychology character at the stage of specialized basic courses , introduces the basic contents of teaching model reform of metallography principle which combined with educational psychology study .

  25. 结果表明,铜片为高温热锻成形,其热锻温度范围在500-700℃之间,符合现代金属学原理。

    The results reveal that the copper sheets are manufactured by using the technology of hot-forging , and temperature range of hot-forging is 500 ~ 700 ℃ . The working process is consonant with the modern metallurgical principle .

  26. 激光淬火(相变硬化)是激光技术在工业中应用的一个重要领域,该技术与激光物理学、激光加工技术、金属学热处理等几门学科紧密相关。

    Laser quenching is one of the important field of using laser technology in industry , which is closely connected with several subjects , i.e. laser physics theory , laser processing technology , metal physics et , al .

  27. 采用模拟的方法,系统研究了Al/Cu接触反应及其液相行为的特点,并运用金属学中表面扩散和晶界扩散等理论进行了理论探讨。

    In this paper , the contact reaction between Aluminum and Copper and its liquid phase behavior were studied by means of experiment simulation and analysis based on the theory of surface and grain boundary diffusion in metallurgy .

  28. 通过模拟软件MAGMAsoft模拟分析,并结合传热学数学模型与金属学凝固理论,从热模数的角度出发,对缸体缺陷进行分析,并提出合理的工艺改进方案。

    Through the simulation analysis with MAGMA soft , and combining the thermo-transfer math model with metallography solidification theory , this article has analyzed the defects on the cast casing from the point of thermo-module , and set forth the reasonable process improving scheme .

  29. 在金属工艺学课程中使用多媒体CAI对优化教学过程和内容、提高教学质量具有重要意义。

    Making use of multimedia CAI in metal technology course is important to optimize teaching course and content , also to improve teaching quality .

  30. 从分析锯切对金刚石圆锯片胎体性能的要求出发,根据金属材料学的基本理论,确定了提高胎体机械性能的微量元素之后,试验研究了胎体主要成分WC、Fe/Ni、663-Cu;

    According to the cutting requirements for matrix of diamond saw blade and basic principle of metal material , the experiment on the effect of the basic elements of matrix on its comprehensive performance was conducted after the added reinforcing elements were determined .