
  • 网络Metal passivation;passivation of metals
  1. 综述了LMP&4型FCC金属钝化剂在几家炼油厂的应用情况。

    Application of the LMP - 4 FCC metal passivator in refinery is introduced in this paper .

  2. 以高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)为主料,LDPE为改性剂,添加适当的抗氧剂、金属钝化剂及加工助剂,研制成功CATV电缆物理发泡绝缘料。

    The physical foaming PE insulant for CATV were prepared by mixing HDPE as the primary material , LDPE as the modifier and suitable auxiliaries such as antioxidants , metal passivators , processing modifiers .

  3. 总结了水溶性LMP-4催化裂化金属钝化剂在重油催化裂化工业装置上的应用情况。

    The commercial application of water soluble LMP-4 metal passivator in heavy oils FCCU were summa-rized .

  4. LMP-6双功能金属钝化剂在催化裂化加工高钒原料时的应用

    Application of a bifunctional metal passivator LMP 6 in FCC for processing high vanadium contained feedstock

  5. TS-01剂对产品分布及产品其它质量无明显影响,该剂亦有良好的金属钝化效果。

    TS-01 had no obvious influence on the product distribution and product quality . The agent also showed good metal passivation effect .

  6. 工业试验证明HL-9硫转移剂可以减少烟气中SOx的排放量,同时该剂具有金属钝化作用,对产品分布和产品质量无不良影响。

    Industrial test proves that sulfur transfer agent HL-09 can reduce the discharge of Sox in the fume . Moreover , it has no unfavorable effect on distribution and quality of the product due to its passivation effect .

  7. LMP-6型双功能金属钝化剂是洛阳石化工程公司炼制研究所针对催化裂化加工过程中存在的重金属污染、特别是钒污染问题,研制开发的一种水溶性双功能钝化剂。

    The dual-functional metal passivator LMP-6 developed by the Refining Research Institute of Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporation for solving the problems of heavy metal contamination in catalytic cracking process , especially for vanadium is a water soluble passivator .

  8. 金属钝化方法也进行了研究。

    Metals passivation , especially for nickel has also been studied .

  9. 聚烯烃金属钝化剂的原理及应用技术

    The Philosophy and Application Technology of Metallic Deactivation Agent for Polyolefin

  10. 原子吸收光谱法测定金属钝化剂中的锑含量

    Determination of antimony in metal passivator by atomic absorption spectroscopy

  11. 金属钝化剂的应用及效果考核

    Application and performance of metal passivator in a FCC unit

  12. 几种催化裂化金属钝化剂毒性的研究

    The toxicity studies of several types of FCC metal passivator

  13. 对金属钝化剂中的锑含量测定方法进行了研究。

    The determination of antimony in metal passivator is described .

  14. 稀土催化裂化金属钝化剂研究进展

    Advances in Study of the Passivating Agent Containing Rare Earths in FCC Process

  15. 加氢基础油对极压抗磨剂及金属钝化剂感受性的研究

    Study on receptivity of hydro-treated base oils to EP additives and metal deactivators

  16. 水溶性金属钝化剂比油溶性金属钝化剂具有更多的优点。

    The water-soluble metal passivators have more advantages than the oil-soluble metal passivator .

  17. 金属钝化剂的合成和应用

    The Synthesis and Applications of Metal Deactivator

  18. 催化裂化金属钝化剂性能评价

    Performance Evaluation of Metal Passivator in FCCU

  19. 分散剂和金属钝化剂改善高压抗磨液压油热稳定性和水解安定性

    Using dispersant and metal deactivator to improve the thermal stability and hydrolytic stability of high-pressure antiwear hydraulic fluids

  20. 从制备方法、使用性能以及理化性质3个方面综合论述了国内外金属钝化剂研究的进展情况。

    The recent research development of metal passivator 's preparation methods , its application and physicochemical property are reviewed .

  21. LMP&4型金属钝化剂挂锑率高达50%,响应时间短,对镍表现出显著的钝化效果。

    Ratio of antimony hanging about the passivator comes up to50 % , it shows remarkable effects passivating on nickel .

  22. 金属钝化剂可以抑制镍和钒等金属对催化裂化催化剂的污染,使被污染催化剂的性质得到改善。

    Metal passivator can inhibit nickel and vanadium pollution on the catalytic cracking catalysts and improve the property of polluted catalysts .

  23. 依据金属钝化的双极新概念,制备成了不同交换离子种类和浓度的双极性有机膜。

    According to the new concept of bipolar mechanism of passivity , the bipolar organic membranes with various ion exchangers were made .

  24. 在运输过程中不三、性能特点:产品具有抗氧化、阻聚、防腐、分散和金属钝化等功能。

    The product is high concentrated , stable quality , easy disperse , good resistance to oxidation , better metal passivation and good corrosion resistance .

  25. 在现代金属钝化理论的基础上,对电镀锡板的钝化工艺加以改进。这种改进了的电镀锡板对于一些腐蚀性很强的果蔬罐头应用获得了抗蚀效果。

    The passivation process for tinplate has been improved according to the modern passivation theory and satisfactory result has been achieved in its application in fruit and vegetables can .

  26. 针对重油或渣油催化裂化过程中所涉及的金属钝化剂和塔底油裂解助剂进行了讨论,其中金属钝化剂包括钝镍剂、钝钒剂及多功能钝化剂。

    Two kinds of additives for heavy oil or residue fluid catalytic cracking process including metal passivating agent ( nickel , vanadium and multifunctional metal ) and bottom cracking additive are discussed .

  27. 评述了稀土催化裂化金属钝化剂研究与应用现状,介绍了稀土催化裂化钝化剂的作用机理,探讨了稀土催化裂化钝化剂的发展方向。

    The development of the passivating agent containing rare earths is introduced , its application efficiency and passivating mechanism are described , and the prospects for study of passivating agent containing rare earths are discussed .

  28. 提出减少焦化蜡油掺炼量、规范工艺操作,使用转硫转氮金属钝化剂或通过合理选材可使腐蚀得到控制。

    The corrosion could be controlled by reducing the amount of coker gas oil blended into the feed , improving unit operation , using sulfur and nitrogen transfer metal passivators and proper selection of the materials .

  29. 提升管催化裂化装置使用金属钝化剂结果表明,随着催化剂上锑含量的增加,干气产量、干气中氢产量和焦炭产率可分别下降25%、50%和13%。

    The results from performance test of metal passivator on a riser cracker show that as the antimony content on the catalyst increases , the yields of dry gas , hydrogen and coke may decrease up to 25 % , 50 % , and 13 % respectively .

  30. 本节只讨论其中的两类:金属离子钝化剂和过氧化物分解剂。

    Only two types will be included in present discussion : metal-ion deactivators and peroxide decomposers .