
  1. 激光光谱技术在环境监测中的应用专题系列(Ⅳ)激光光谱学方法测量大气中OH自由基

    The measurement of hydroxyl radicals by laser spectroscopy

  2. 可调谐二极管激光光谱技术测量燃烧环境下H2O浓度的实验设计

    Experimental Design of H_2O Concentration Measurement with Tunable Diode Laser Spectroscopy in Combustion Environment

  3. 频率调制(FM)光谱技术作为一项高灵敏的激光光谱技术被广泛应用于气体检测等相关领域。

    As a high sensitivity laser spectroscopy , Frequency Modulation ( FM ) spectroscopy technology has been widely used in the field of gas detection .

  4. 除了饱和吸收技术以外,还发展了简并四波混频测量激光光谱技术。

    Besides saturated absorption , degenerate four-wave-mixing was studied too .

  5. 斯塔克调制-电旋转激光光谱技术及其应用

    Stark Modulation Electric Rotation Laser Spectroscopy and Its Application

  6. 报道了在近红外波段的差分浓度调制激光光谱技术的研究工作。

    The emission spectra were obtained by using the concentration modulation spectroscopic technique .

  7. 【化】浓缩柱,蒸浓柱二氧化碳浓度监测的二极管激光光谱技术研究

    Evaporating column Monitoring the Concentration of Carbon Dioxide by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectrometer

  8. 快离子束激光光谱技术

    Fast ion beam laser spectroscopy

  9. 提出了一种新的高灵敏激光光谱技术激光双频相位调制环形腔增强调制转移光谱技术。

    A novel high sensitive laser spectroscopy technique , double-frequency phase modulation ring-cavity enhanced modulation transfer spectroscopy , is presented .

  10. 测量结果确认了荧光光谱技术诊断与治疗癌症的可行性,并对发展超短脉冲激光光谱技术早期诊断与治疗癌症具有重要的指导意义和临床应用价值。

    Conclusions : The results obtained can be used as an important basis for diagnosis cancer based on ultrashort pulses laser spectral technique .

  11. 然后阐述超声分子束激光光谱技术的稳定分子光谱学、范德瓦耳斯分子光谱学、自由基光谱学和光碎片光谱学;

    And spectroscopy of stable molecules , spectroscopy of Van der Waals molecules , free radical spectroscopy and photofragment spectroscopy using the techniques of laser spectroscopy of supersonic molecular beams are explained .

  12. 文章简要介绍全球面临的主要环境问题,重点介绍光谱技术(包括常规光谱技术、激光光谱技术以及激光雷达等)在大气环境监测中的应用和进展。

    A brief introduction to global environmental problems is presented , with details on the application of traditional spectral , laser spectral and laser radar techniques to the monitoring of atmospheric environmental pollution .

  13. 拉曼光谱是现代激光光谱技术中的一种重要的分析方法,由于它的一些优点(例如不受分子能级的限制等),再溶液、气体、同位素、单晶等方面的应用具有突出的优势。

    Raman spectrum is an important analytic method of modern laser spectral technique , for the sake of its special advantages ( e.g. independent of molecular energy levels ), it is applied widely in solution , gases , isotopes , elemental crystal and so on .

  14. 而激光光谱技术是现在精细光谱、超精细光谱测量的主要手段。目前,常用的激光测量技术都存在诸如分辨率不高、检出限偏高、取样量较大,成本昂贵等缺陷。

    Laser spectroscopy is the best measurement for fine spectrum and hyperfine spectra . Currently , there are lots of laser analyzing methods , which however , all have the disadvantages such as low resolution , high detecting limit , large sample consuming amount , high price and so on .

  15. 激光拉曼光谱技术在生物分子DNA研究中的应用和进展

    The Application and Development of Raman Spectroscopy on Biological Molecule DNA

  16. 二极管激光微分光谱技术和CH3CN分子ν4带的研究

    Diode laser derivative spectroscopic technique and study of CH_3CN v_4 band

  17. 本文用激光导数光谱技术测量了C2H4分子的红外吸收光谱,其分辨率远高于常规的红外光谱仪所得到的结果;

    The infrared absorption spectrum of ethene ( C_2H_4 ) was measured by a new method , laser difference spectrum with resolution much better than that of normal spectrometer .

  18. 本文报导用激光拉曼光谱技术研究牛胰多酞(BPP)和去氧胆酸盐(DOC)与DMPC脂质体的相互作用。

    This paper reports the Raman spectra study on the interaction of BPP and DOC with DMPC liposomes .

  19. 本文介绍了四种常见的光学测温技术,即激光光谱测温技术、全息干涉测温技术、基于CCD的三基色测温技术和红外辐射测温技术,其中又以红外辐射测温技术应用最为广泛。

    In this paper , four conventional optical temperature measurement techniques including the laser spectral temperature measurement , the holographic interference temperature measurement , the tricolor temperature measurement based on a CCD and the infrared temperature measurement are presented .

  20. 激光击穿光谱技术(Laser-InducedBreakdownSpectroscopy,简称LIBS)是伴随着激光器的出现而发展起来的一种新型元素成分分析技术,是目前国际上公认的在线检测工业污水的最佳解决方案之一。

    Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy ( LIBS ) is a new type of component analysis technique . It is widely recognized as one of the best online detecting methods for industrial wastewater in the world .

  21. 结论找出不同食管组织Raman光谱的差异,这些差异可作为各类食管组织Raman光谱的特征,为激光Raman光谱技术应用于食管癌的早期诊断提供了重要的实验依据。

    Conclusion Finding the difference of Raman spectrum for different esophagus tissues which may be the character of Raman spectrum for various esophagus tissues provides valuable data for the early diagnosis of the esophagus carcinoma with laser Raman spectrum technique .

  22. 基于可调谐半导体激光吸收光谱技术(TDLAS)对气体浓度及温度的测量,具有响应速度快、测量结果准确、测量系统简单稳定等优势,易于实现在线监测。

    Gas sensing based on Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy ( TDLAS ) with fast response , results are accurate , the system is stable and simple , is suitable for real-time on-line measurement .

  23. 激光拉曼光谱技术在宝石鉴定中的应用

    The Application of the Laser Raman Spectroscopy in Gem Determination

  24. 混频激光光谱分析技术在文化遗产研究中的应用前瞻

    The prospect of researching culture heritage using wave-mixing laser spectroscopy

  25. 方法采用激光拉曼光谱技术对乳腺组织切片进行研究。

    Method : Breast histological sections are studied by laser Ramam scattering technique .

  26. 激光拉曼光谱技术在获取流体包裹体内压中的应用及讨论

    The Application of Laser Raman Spectroscopy to Obtaining Internal Pressure of Fluid Inclusions

  27. 气体监测的可调谐多模二极管激光关联光谱技术研究

    Tunable Multi-Mode Diode Laser Correlation Spectroscopy for Gas Monitoring

  28. 基于调谐激光吸收光谱技术的气体检测系统研究及优化

    Research and Optimization on Gas Detection System Based on Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy

  29. 激光光谱诊断技术及其在发动机燃烧研究中的应用

    Studies on Laser Spectroscopy Technology and Its Application to Combustion Diagnosis in the Jet Engine

  30. 飞秒激光光谱展宽技术的研究

    Spectrum Broadening Techniques of Femtosecond Laser Pulses