
  • 网络tracker;Laser Tracker;Laser Tracker ION
  1. 采用激光跟踪仪及配套带软件Insight对兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环主环磁铁进行了安装和准直。

    We have installed and aligned all magnets of CSRm ( the main ring of cooler storage ring ) by laser tracker and its fitting software Insight .

  2. 提出了用激光跟踪仪标定机械臂的D-H参数、测量机械臂绝对位姿以及对机械臂的绝对定位精度进行分析的方法;

    A method of confirming the D-H parameters by laser tracker , measuring the pose of manipulator by laser tracker , analysising the absolute precision of pose , is presented .

  3. 介绍了激光跟踪仪(LTS)原理,提供了一种校验激光跟踪测量系统的方法。

    This article introduced the principle of laser tracking system ( LTS ) and a method to inspect laser tracker using CMM .

  4. 激光跟踪仪在风机叶片外形测量中的应用ICPS-7500光谱仪同时测定橡胶树叶片硼、钼含量

    Wind Rotor Blade Measurement with Laser Tracker Determination of Trace Elements B and Mo in Rubber Leaves Using ICPS-7500 Spectrometer

  5. 用激光跟踪仪测量机械臂各个关节单独运动时得到的一系列离散点,就可确定机械臂各个关节的轴线,由此建立机械臂的D-H坐标系,并对D-H参数进行标定;

    The axis can be confirmed by measuring a series of points when one joint of the manipulator is moving separately . the D-H coordinate can be built from the axes , and D-H parameters can be demarcated .

  6. 大尺寸空间中激光跟踪仪和水准仪的高程测量结果比较

    Height Measurement Contrast between Laser Tracker and Leveling in Large Scale Space

  7. 激光跟踪仪在大尺寸工件几何参数测量中的应用

    Application of Laser Tracker on Geometric Parameters Measurement of Large Dimensional Workpieces

  8. 基于隐藏特征测量的激光跟踪仪探头及其测量误差分析

    Analysis of Faro Retro Probe and Its Measure Error

  9. 介绍激光跟踪仪精度校验方法。

    The inspection method of laser tracking system is described in this paper .

  10. 基于激光跟踪仪的三维控制网测量精度分析

    The measurement accuracy analysis of three dimensional control network based on laser tracker

  11. 采用激光跟踪仪测量飞机外形

    Measurement of Aircraft Outline By Using Laser Tracker Equipment

  12. 激光跟踪仪在无人飞机总装中的应用

    Study and Application for UAV Assemble by Laser Tracker

  13. 基于激光跟踪仪的机器人运动学参数标定方法

    Calibration of Robot Kinematic Parameters Based on Laser Tracker

  14. 激光跟踪仪现场测量不确定度的评定

    Evaluation of Site Measuring Uncertainty of Laser Tracker

  15. 激光跟踪仪测量曲面的测量不确定度研究

    The Contour Measurement Uncertainty in the Measurement of Curve Surfaces with a Laser Tracker

  16. 激光跟踪仪的动态特性研究

    A Study on Dynamic Character of Laser Tracker

  17. 以三坐标测量机和激光跟踪仪为主要测量手段进行了标定试验。

    Calibration experiments were made by CMM and laser tracker as main measuring methods .

  18. 激光跟踪仪几何误差修正

    The Correction of Geometric Error for Laser Tracker

  19. 提高激光跟踪仪测量精度的措施

    The accuracy enhancement measures for laser tracker

  20. 提出了一种评定激光跟踪仪现场测量不确定度的方法。

    A method for determining the uncertainty of on site measuring by a laser tracker system is presented .

  21. 在激光跟踪仪的二次开发软件包的基础上,开发了激光跟踪测量原型系统;

    The laser tracking measurement system was developed through using the developing software package of the laser tracker .

  22. 激光跟踪仪在航空航天、汽车制造、电子工业、高能粒子加速器工程以及大尺寸计量等行业中,已有广泛应用。

    It has been widely used in aviation , space , automobile and electronic industry and testing departments .

  23. 利用坐标测量臂和激光跟踪仪的大尺寸测量能力,对传感器坐标系进行全局校准,提高校准的精度和效率。

    The global calibration of sensor coordinates is accomplished by coordinates measurement arm and laser tracker , improving calibrated precision and efficiency .

  24. 基于激光跟踪仪的关节式坐标测量机参数标定混合坐标系下空间目标天基光学跟踪方法研究

    Parameter calibration method for an articulated coordinate measuring machine with laser tracker Study on Space Object Tracking using Space-based Optical Sensor in Hybrid Coordinates

  25. 建立了基于激光跟踪仪的视觉坐标测量模型,并利用梯度下降法对系统模型进行了优化。

    The the measurement model based on laser tracker is presented , and the system models are optimized through the gradient decreasing method . 3 .

  26. 在简要总结各种检测光学球面曲率半径方法优缺点的基础上,提出了利用激光跟踪仪和激光干涉仪测量光学球面曲率半径的新方法。

    On the basis of summing up conventional testing methods for the radius of curvature of optical sphere , a novel method using laser tracker and interferometer is proposed .

  27. 本文首先论述应用激光跟踪仪建立系统中关键坐标系的方法,并分析了机器人制孔过程中残留误差的构成因素。

    To improve the accuracy of the position and orientation of the robotic end tool , a robot-aided aircraft assembly drilling system is constructed based on laser tracker closed-loop feedback .

  28. 传统的位置测量方法如三坐标测量机、经纬仪对以及三维激光跟踪仪,并不适合于众多目标点的非接触实时检测。

    The traditional position detection technology , such as three-dimensional Measuring Machine , Theodolite and three-dimensional Laser Tracker , is not suitable for un-touched and fast detection of so much objects .

  29. 然后运用激光跟踪仪及其配套软件测量了主环控制网,其网点的点位精度可达到0.08mm。

    The survey control network comprises 168 network points , and it is surveyed by using laser tracker with its software Insight . The accuracy of network points ' position reached 0.08 mm .

  30. 通过滑轮加载装置在机器人末端施加外载荷,并使用激光跟踪仪测量机器人末端位移。

    The external load is exerted on the end point of the robot by way of the cable pulley system and the displacement of the end point is measured via the API laser tracker .