
  • 网络laser disc
  1. 激光光盘信息记录光刻胶的合成与感光

    Study on Synthesis of Photoresist and Photochemical Process for Information Recording in Laser Disc

  2. 激光光盘材料的发展

    Development of Laser Disc Materials

  3. 氧钒酞菁在激光光盘系统中的应用研究

    A study of vanadyl phthalocyanine in laser optical disc system

  4. 激光光盘产业的现状与发展

    Development and Current Status of Laser CD Industry

  5. 超大容量激光光盘机在航空遥感中的应用

    The application of the very large storage laser disk drive to airborne remote sensing

  6. 相变型双光路激光光盘位相延迟器件的设计

    Design of a Phase-delay Element Used in Phase-change Disk with Two Beam Optical Head

  7. 基于激光光盘原理的新型光显尺研究有了组合音响才谈得到买激光唱片。

    Research of new type light display rule based on laser disc principle I can only consider buying a CD after I 've bought a hi-fi set .

  8. 媒体的密集存储问题,是通过使用一束激光从光盘上读取数据位来解决的。

    The problem of dense storage media was solved by using a laser to read off data bits on an optical disc .

  9. 激光调制在光盘刻槽机中的应用

    The Application of Laser Modulation in CD Grating Machine

  10. 我们可以拥有由激光播放的光盘吗?

    Will we have access to optical discs that can be played by laser ?

  11. 伺服系统负责激光束在光盘上的聚焦和轨道跟踪。

    The servo system is responsible for the focusing and tracking of the laser beam on the CD .

  12. 该方法通过激光束在光盘与平面镜之间的多次反射,将光盘振动引起的光偏移量放大,从而简化了光盘振幅的测量。

    Through multiple reflections of a laser beam between a CD and a parallel mirror , a laser beam displacement caused by the CD vibration can be enlarged , so that the measurement of the amplitude is simplified .

  13. 激光头是否垂直光盘直接影响到光驱的读取能力以及稳定性。

    Whether optical pick-up vertical CD influence reading ability and stability of the optical drive directly .

  14. 半导体光电器件(激光器、探测器)广泛应用于光纤通信、激光打印、激光测距、激光仪器、以及光盘的读、写与探测等等。

    The photoelectric devices , which contained laser and detector were widely used in optical-fiber communication , laser-printer , laser-length-detector , laser instrument and the reading and writing of the CD ROM. etc.