
  • 网络Record layer;recording layer
  1. 模型将GUI分为窗口框架层、界面元素层、功能结构层和运行记录层四层。

    The model divided GUI into four-layers : windows framework layer , interface element layer , functional structure layer and running record layer .

  2. 试验证明:热压ZnS靶材有较好的热导率,在CD-RW(可读写光盘)的上下介电层应用上为记录层提供了很好的散热效果;

    ZnS target material possessed better thermal conductivity property , which provided very best radiating effect for record layer in CD-RW up and down dielectric layer application .

  3. UV光固化热敏记录层机理的研究

    Study on the mechanism of UV curable thermo-sensitive recording layer

  4. 协议分上下两层,下层SSL记录层协议,主要是定制数据格式和传送数据;

    The protocol is composed of two layers .

  5. 一张DVD能在磁盘的一个记录层上储存两个多小时的视频信息。

    A DVD can store over two hours of video on one layer of the disc .

  6. SSL协议是建立在TCP连接的基础之上,包括两层共四个协议的协议族,即记录层协议、握手协议、改变密码规约协议、警告协议。

    SSL is based on TCP connections , including two layer sum up to four protocols , namely records protocol , handshake protocol , change cipher spec protocol , alert agreement .

  7. ZnS-SiO2薄膜拥有比较高的折射率,能够对记录层起到很好的保护作用。

    The refractive index of the ZnS-SiO2 film is large and the recording layer can be protected very well .

  8. 第四章节介绍本人参与边界保护区功能的设计工作,从设计原则、设计思想、功能模块、性能分析等方面进行深入研究,对SSL协议组成、SSL记录层协议、SSL握手协议等进行透彻分析。

    Chapter four is about the design work of border protection zone , focusing on the design principle , design rational , function module and performance analysis , analyzing the composition of SSL protocol , the record layer protocol in the SSL , and the handshake protocol of SSL .

  9. 合成带有不同中心原子和在周环上带有不同类型、不同数目(四个或八个)的烷氧基的酞菁化合物,从中找出适于作CD-R光盘记录层材料(俗称染料)的物种。

    Phthalocyanines substituted with alkoxy of different types and with different number ( 4 or 8 ) were synthesized . The complex suitable for the recording layer of CD-R ( CD-R dye ) was selected and appraised .

  10. (包括磁记录层的特性、稳定方法及涂层排列和AgX乳剂层及片基的相应改进)。

    Examples of its preparation , processing and application are introduced together with the characteristics of the magnetic recording layer , method of its stabilization , arrangement of different coatings and also relevant improvement of the film base and AgX emulsion layers .

  11. 选择丙烯酸酯基固化膜作为光盘预格式记录层,测量了其在633nm和780nm处的吸收系数,并进行了DSC分析。

    In this paper , we report that a cured acrylate based film is selected as the record layer of CDs . Its absorption coefficient at 633 nm and 780 nm and the glass transition temperature are measured , which is a characterization of stability .

  12. 可逆热透明成像材料记录层的制备及形态与性能的研究

    Study on Thermal-sensitive Recording Layer of a Thermal-reversible Transparent Imaging Material

  13. 含有透明磁信息记录层的新型卤化银感光材料

    A New AgX Photographic Material Containing Thin Transparent Magnetic Recording Layer

  14. 它分为记录层协议和握手协议。

    It can be divided into the record protocol and the handshake protocol .

  15. 这些记录层的厚度大约只有200微米。

    The layers are approximately 200 micrometres thick .

  16. 采用不同中间夹层的双记录层磁光光盘热光特性比较

    Comparison of the optical and thermal characteristics of a DOUBLE-RECORDING-LAYERED magneto-optical disk with different interlayers

  17. 未来照相体系的新进展&含磁记录层的彩色底片

    New advancements of the future photographic system & color negative film enclosing a magnetic recording layer

  18. 凹坑在磁盘记录层上按螺旋形的轨迹排列。

    The pits are arranged in a track that foils a spiral pattern on the recording layer of the disc .

  19. 光盘膜层内的激光诱导温度场分布及其对有机记录层稳定性的影响

    Laser induced Temperature Field Distribution in Multi layers of CDs and Its Effect on the Stability of the Organic Record layer

  20. 通过读出光的位置重合,可读出各个记录层所记录的信息,而不受其他层的影响。

    Information recorded in different layers of the MWH-ROM was reconstructed without any crosstalk effects from other layers by adjusting the position of the read-out beam .

  21. 本文概述了未来照相体系的新进展:含磁记录层的彩色底片,其结构和性能特点,简介了其制造、冲洗加工和应用实例。

    This paper presents a review of new advancements of a new photographic system , namely a color negative film having a magnetic recording layer coated on the opposite side of the AgX emulsion layer , briefing its structure and characteristics .

  22. 实验中采用俘精酸酐类光致变色材料作为记录层,使用不同的激光功率和写入时间的组合,由大、中、小3种幅值和零功率写入实现了4阶存储。

    The experiments used a kind of fulgide photochromic material as the recording layer . Different combinations of the laser power and the write time were used with 4-level recording realized using high , medium , low and zero laser diode powers .

  23. 相变存储器是利用脉冲电流的热效应使其记录层发生具有巨大阻值差异的可逆结构相变来记录和擦除数据。

    Phase-change random access memory ( PCM ) records and erases data by utilizing the thermal effect of the pulse current to make SET or RESET operation in its recording layer with a reversible phase-change structure of giant differential resistance between two phases .

  24. 细胞内记录猫皮层SⅡ区神经元的伤害性反应

    Nociceptive response of neurons in the second somatosensory cortex ( s_ ⅱ area ) of cat with intracellular recording

  25. 该方案通过记录链路层队列长度信息,并跨层反馈给传输层的拥塞控制模块,以启动正确的拥塞控制算法。

    By recording link layer queue length information , the proposed scheme send cross-layer feedback to the transport layer congestion control module , thus the protocol can activate the correct congestion control algorithm .

  26. 最后,将此方法应用到实际的地震信号处理中,提取出滤波后的有效信号,并与通过最陡下降法得到的信号顶点图相结合,以达到寻找地震记录中储层的目的。

    More significantly , it is an adaptive algorithm . Finally , the application of this method in real seismic data processing can extract the effective signal , and the vertex graph can be gained by the method of steepest descent .

  27. 记录美国民主党领导层“肮脏勾当”的电子邮件的泄露,让希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)的竞选陷入了混乱。

    Hillary Clinton 's presidential campaign was thrown into turmoil by the leak of emails documenting dirty tactics by the Democratic party leadership .

  28. 他在采访中说,他曾受聘于Eos&加拿大资金经理人约翰·卡恩斯(JonCarnes)运营的一家对冲基金,工作内容是检查中国所有的财务记录,与管理层、顾客以及供应商交流。

    He had been hired by Eos , a hedge fund run by Jon Carnes , a Canadian money manager , to go through all the financial records in Chinese , talk to management and customers and suppliers , he said in an interview .

  29. 观察并记录整个小腿各层的血管分布情况。

    Observe and record the entire leg of the vascular distribution of all levels .

  30. 层次型数据库按树型组织记录,每一层的记录分解成更小的属性集。

    The records in hierarchical databases are organized in a treelike structure , with each level of records branching off into a set of smaller categories .