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  • Moving image;motion video
  1. 基于广义Hough变换的人体运动图像标志点自动识别方法

    Automatic Recognition of Marker-Labeled Human Motion Based on Generalized Hough Transform

  2. 运动图像专家组。计算机音频视频的ISO标准编解码方式。

    Moving Picture Expert Group . It is an ISO standard codec for computer audio and video .

  3. 它不仅沿用了JPEG的各种优越性,还将其成功应用于运动图像。

    It not only follows the various advantages of JPEG , but also successfully applies JPEG to moving images .

  4. MEMC倍频技术对LCD运动图像模糊的影响

    Effect of MEMC Frequency Doubling Technique on LCD Motion Blur

  5. 应用视觉感知实验的方法对移动显示(手机)用LCD的运动图像质量进行了主观评价,研究了帧频、响应时间和视频图像内容对运动图像质量的影响。

    Quality of moving images on mobile LCD is estimated by a visual perception experiment to investigate the influence of frame frequency , response time and video content .

  6. 目前,数字视频领域普遍采用运动图像专家组(MPEG)制定的MPEG-2编码标准。

    At present , the MPEG-2 coding standard set down by Moving Pictures Expert Group is adopted largely in digital video field .

  7. 非接触式测量系统采用双CCD拍取运动图像,利用对CCD标定出来的内外参数来三维重构计算物体空间坐标,并由此分解其六自由度。

    Untouchable measurement system uses a pair of CCD to capture the graphics , and reconstruct the coordinate with planar photos , and then the 6-DOF of the floating body is decomposed .

  8. 离散余弦逆变换IDCT是运动图像专家组MPEG视频解码的重要组成部分。

    Inverse discrete cosine transform ( IDCT ) is an important module in MPEG ( Moving Picture Expert Group ) decoding .

  9. 彩色AC-PDP运动图像仿真系统的开发

    Development of a Color AC-PDP Motion Image Simulation System

  10. 本文首先研究了RTVA系统的实时视频处理和运动图像检测技术。在深入研究了基于linux的图像处理后,提出了一种实时多路视频处理技术,可以在Linux下高效稳定的显示多路视频;

    At first the paper studies realtime video processing and motion detecting : we studies the technique of image processing under Linux operation system and gives a method for realtime video processing based on X Window ;

  11. 该系统由以高速DSP为核心处理器,采用电擦写非易失性存储器(FlashMemory)为记录体,使用先进的运动图像压缩技术完成视频数据的记录工作。

    High speed DSP device is used as the core processor of this prototype and FLASH memory is used as the storage device . Video data will be compressed using motion picture compression technology before they are stored .

  12. 这种图象质量的下降可以解释为LCDs显示运动图像时表现出的MTF低通特性。

    This degradation of image quality can be explained by the low-pass characteristic of MTF of LCD when moving images displayed on it .

  13. 在数字视频压缩领域有很多国际标准,如ITU(InternationalTelecommunicationsUnion,国际电信联盟)制定的H.26x标准,以及著名的MPEG(MovingPictureExpertsGroup,运动图像专家组)标准等。

    There are many international standards for compression of digital video data such as H.26x developed by ITU ( International Telecommunications Union ) and the well-known MPEG ( Moving Picture Experts Group ) standards and so on .

  14. MPEG-4是运动图像专家组制定的最新的国际视频编解码标准之一,是第一个面向对象的视频压缩标准。

    MPEG-4 , which is made by the Moving Picture Experts Group , is one of the latest international video codec standards . It is the first object-oriented video compression standard .

  15. 经过大量的研究,人们发现LCD产生运动图像拖尾的原因包括了:液晶显示器的响应速度、显示器的保持特性及人类视觉的暂留特性三个方面。

    After in-depth study , people have found that the reasons of LCD motion picture smear and fuzzy include : the response speed of LCD , the hold-type displays of LCD and the human visual characteristics .

  16. 在本文中我们选取了Gabor小波,分析了Gabor函数的时频图像,并选取了合成和真实的运动图像序列进行Gabor小波计算光流的仿真,在文章中我们对参数采取的是手动选取的。

    In paper we select the Gabor wavelet , and analysis the time-frequency image of Gabor function . We select synthetic and true moving image sequences to make experiments , and parameters are manually select .

  17. 在优化的ADS驱动方式基础上开发的14吋彩色等离子体原型样机表明优化的ADS驱动方式在视觉闪烁感和运动图像质量方面都有了很大的提高。

    Based on the optimized ADS driving method , a 14 inch prototype of color plasma display panel was developed . The perceived image quality on 14 inch prototype indicates that both the flicking and the motion artifact are reduced .

  18. 预应力度是P.P.最后提出热闹度表示运动图像的热闹程度及其算法。

    The prestressing degree is an important concept in P.P. Finally , busy degree of moving image and its algorithm is developed .

  19. 针对LCD显示运动图像时产生运动伪像分析的问题进行分析,提出了利用实际测量的亮度响应特性和基于人眼运动视觉感知模型来模拟计算运动模糊图像,并进行评估分析。

    Then by analyzing the originations of LCD motion artifacts , based on the measurement of step luminance response of LCD and the smooth-pursuit eye-tracking and temporal integration a new simulation method is proposed to measure and characterize motion artifacts in LCDs .

  20. AVS-M是AVS的第七部分,主要目标是满足无线移动网络、IP网络中视频通信业务对运动图像压缩技术的需要。

    AVS-M is the seventh part of the AVS standard , which is oriented to satisfy the need of compression technology of moving images , and it is applied in video communication service of wireless mobile network and IP network .

  21. MPEG-2标准的应用越来越广泛,很多视频信号都是采用该标准进行处理的,特别是在运动图像质量需求高的场合,MPEG-2标准占有举足轻重的位置。

    MPEG-2 standard becomes more popular than before , and almost all of the video signals are processed with the protocol . Especially , in the fields of high quality image processing and transmission , the MPEG-2 is widely used .

  22. 低信噪比静止背景运动图像的动态目标检测

    Dynamic Object Detecting with Low SCNR in still Background Moving Image

  23. 基于极坐标的相向运动图像模糊的递归模型

    Recursive Model of Forward Motion Blurred Image Based on Polar Coordinates

  24. 基于嵌入式系统的运动图像识别与研究

    The moving image identification and research based on the embedded system

  25. 运动图像多尺度分割方法及其参数估计

    Method of multiscale segmentation of dynamic images and estimation of its parameters

  26. 一种运动图像的检测与识别技术

    A method for detection and recognition of moving objects in sequential images

  27. 汽车智能驾驶系统中运动图像的实时检测与跟踪

    Real-Time Detection and Track of Moving Image in Intelligent Vehicle Driving System

  28. 光流估计在运动图像分析中一直占有很重要的地位。

    Optical flow estimation plays an important role in motion picture analysis .

  29. 基于结构模型的人运动图像语义描述

    The Semantics of Human Motion Image Based on Sample Model

  30. 磁扩散电弧运动图像实验研究

    Experimental study on arc movement images effected by magnetic diffusing