
  • 网络biomechanics;sport biomechanics
  1. 为人体惯性参数的CT法研究和人体运动生物力学分析提供了重要依据。

    Therefore , a series of data that seemed feasible enough was set up as the important basis for studying the parameters of inertia of the human body with CT method and conducting the analysis of movement of biomechanics of the human body .

  2. 研究的局限性:本次研究仅采用2-D摄像分析系统来采集女性肥胖儿童背负不同重量书包上楼梯时的运动生物力学的身体姿势、步态和足底的指标。

    Study limitations : This study only used 2 - D camera analysis system to collect different weight women obese children carried on the stairs bag of sports biomechanics body posture , gait and foot indicators .

  3. 短道速滑男子500m起跑动作运动生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis on the Start Action of Man 's 500 Meter Event in Short Truck Skating

  4. 800m跑运动生物力学分析

    Sports Biomechanical Analysis on 800 Meters Running

  5. 现代100m跑技术在塑胶跑道运用的基础上,根据运动生物力学和解剖学原理逐步发展与完善。

    Modern technology of running of 100 meters develops and perfects progressively according to movement biomethanics and anatomy principle on the basis of the thing that use in the plastic runway .

  6. 从三维体育观看运动生物力学研究

    Sports Biomechanics Research System Based On Three - dimension PE Value

  7. 通用教材《运动生物力学》20年进展

    Evaluation of National Textbook Sports Biomechanics in the Past 20 years

  8. 第十二届全国运动生物力学大会述评

    A Brief Review of the 12th National Conference on Sports Biomechanics

  9. 运动生物力学计算机仿真研究

    Research in Computer Emulation of Aerial Movements of the Human Body

  10. 前交叉韧带易伤动作的下肢运动生物力学分析

    Biomechanical analysis of anterior cruciate ligament injury risky lower limb moves

  11. 略论运动生物力学的研究方法与测量技术

    Discussion on the Research Methods and Measuring Techniques in Sports Biomechanics

  12. 谈运动生物力学分析在体操教学中运用

    On the Application of the Sports Biomechanical Analysis in Gymnastics Teaching

  13. 单杠后倒挂膝上与运动生物力学的模糊关系

    The Fuzzy Relationship Between The Single Pole With Knee and Biomechanics

  14. 散打前后鞭腿技术的运动生物力学分析

    Sports Biomechanics Features of Forward and Backward Whip-Kicking in Free Combat

  15. 运动生物力学多参数同步测试系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of Multi-Parameters Synchronizing System in Sport Biomechanics

  16. 小负荷下视觉干预对动作结构影响的运动生物力学实验设计与讨论

    Biomechanical Experiment Designs of Vision Intervention on Movement Structure at Low Workload

  17. 江苏省跳水运动员走板起跳动作的运动生物力学分析

    Biomechanical Analysis of Walking and Taking-off on Springboard of Jiangsu Diving Athletes

  18. 杨式太极拳竞赛套路的运动生物力学特征分析

    Biomechanics characteristic analysis of the Yang style shadowboxing competition routine

  19. 运用运动生物力学方法对团身前空翻三周动作进行运动学分析。

    Through biomechanics , three saltos forward tucked is analyzed in kinesiology .

  20. 散打典型击法&寸腿动作的运动生物力学研究

    Sport Biomechanics Study on Typical SanDa Skill About Heel

  21. 浅析运动生物力学的学科性质

    Concise Analysis On The Discipline Features Of Sports Biomechanics

  22. 几种运动生物力学分析系统的研究

    Research on Several Kind of Sports Biomechanics Analysis System

  23. 人体运动生物力学仿真分析系统总体规划

    The collectivity layout of human biomechanics simulation analysis system

  24. 运动生物力学专业研究生的培养与思考

    Cultivation of Graduate Students in Sports Biomechanics and Thinking

  25. 论现代运动生物力学研究方法的基本特征

    Study on the Basic Characteristic of Research Methods of the Modern Sports Biomechanics

  26. 运动生物力学在体育教育专业教学计划中地位的研究

    The Position of Sports Biomechanics Course in Teaching Plan of Physical Education Speciality

  27. 德国运动生物力学理论与方法学研究概述及思考

    Thought and Review of Theory and Methodology Research of Sports Biomechanics in Germany

  28. 网球大力发球技术的运动生物力学原理

    Sports Biomechanical Principles of Power Serve Technique in Tennis

  29. 方法学的研究水平提高;研究人员已由运动生物力学人员拓展到了其他学科及非体育领域的研究者。

    The research staff has already refers to other disciplines and non-sports field .

  30. 振法之运动生物力学研究

    Research on sports biomechanics of vibrating maneuvers in massage