
  • 网络kinematic chain;kinetic Chain;kinetic & kinematic chain
  1. 对机械运动学领域中运动链及n副件定义的剖析及处理

    Analysis and Treatment of the Definitions about Kinematic Chain and Link with the n Pairs of Kinematic Elements in the Machinery Kinematics Areas

  2. 并根据运动链的变换矩阵,用MATLAB求解出第5、50和95百分位飞行员上肢和下肢的可达域和舒适域,并对所得可达域舒适域进行分析。

    Second , solves the reachability domain and comfortable domain of the hands and feet of pilot at 5 , 50 and 95 percentile with MATLAB , on the basis of the transformation matrix of kinematic chain , and analyse the results .

  3. 含R、P副平面运动链的类型综合

    Type Synthesis of Planar Kinematic Chains Involving Revolute and Prismatic Pairs

  4. 基于Dixon析配法的平面三回路基本运动链装配构形求解

    Configuration Analysis of Planar 3-loop Mechanism Based on Dixon Resultant Method

  5. 含复铰平面闭式运动链的谱分类方法

    Spectrum classification method for planar closed kinematic chain with multiple hinges

  6. 被动型转向主动型;空间运动链第二类消极运动副判别

    Detection of Type - ⅱ Passive Joints in Spatial Kinematic Chains

  7. 识别平面运动链自由度类型的有效方法

    An Efficient Method for Identifying Freedom Types of Planar Kinematic Chains

  8. 平面闭式运动链简图自动绘制的最大环路法

    Maximal Loop Method of Automatic Sketching of Planar Closed Kinematic Chains

  9. 该机构由4个4腿运动链和一个十字滑块机构组成。

    This mechanism is assembled by4 four-legged platforms and1 cross slider .

  10. 基于运动链基元分类和工程语义的连杆机构设计技术

    Linkage Mechanism Design Based on Primary Cell Classification and Engineering Semantics

  11. 二自由度平面运动链之型综合

    Type Synthesis of Plane Kinematic Chains with Two Degree of Freedom

  12. 含闭式运动链机器人动力学模型的建立

    Generation of dynamic models of robotic mechanism with closed kinematics chains

  13. 含复铰平面十杆运动链构件交叉的识别

    Detecting Bar-Crossing to 10-Link Planar Kinematic Chain With Multiple Joint

  14. 高速步进运动链动力学分析与实验研究

    Dynamic Analysis and Experimental Study on the High Speed Intermittent Chain System

  15. 五轴铣床运动链构形方案分析

    Analysis on the Kinematic Chain Configuration Scheme of Five-axis Milling Machine Tool

  16. 运动链耦合度Κ的上限

    The Upper Limit of Coupling Degree Κ of Kinematic Chains

  17. 含复铰平面闭式运动链型综合的组合法

    Combination method of type synthesis for planar kinematic chain with multiple joints

  18. 描述运动链结构的点形图

    Vertex-Figure Graph for Representing the Structure of a Kinematic Chain

  19. 平面机构运动链的组成及其构造分析

    Research on the structure and construction for planar kinematic chains

  20. 平面运动链简图自动绘制的初始回路法

    An Approach of Original Loop to Automatic Sketching of Planar Kinematic Chains

  21. 平面移动副运动链的结构分析

    The structure analyses of kinematic chain of moving pair in tle plane

  22. 机构创新设计与运动链拓扑特性研究

    The Research of Creative Mechanism Design and Topological Characteristics of Kinematic Chains

  23. 三个复杂基本运动链奇异性条件的求解与识别

    Solutions for Singularity Conditions for Three Complex Basic Kinematic Chains

  24. 空间旋转矩阵在运动链运动学建模中的应用

    Rotational matrix and its application in kinematic modelling of spatial kinematic chain

  25. 运动链拓扑图的自动生成及图谱库的建立

    The topological graphs creation automatically of kinematic chains and atlas database establishment

  26. 基于运动链的机构结构方案的创新方法

    Innovating Method of Mechanism Configuration Project Based on Kinematic Chain

  27. 平面运动链中驱动机构的识别

    Identification of Driving Mechanisms in a Planar Kinematic Chain

  28. 平面七杆运动链的型综合

    Type synthesis of the planar seven-bar mechanisms kinematic chain

  29. 用邻接矩阵法判断运动链同构

    Isomorphism judgement of kinematic chains using adjacent matrix method

  30. 运动链拓扑图绘制及特征描述获取的计算机实现

    Computerized sketching of topological graphs of kinematic chains and obtaining of characteristic representations