
  • 网络higher pair;higher pair mechanism
  1. 坐标变换方法在高副机构分析中的应用

    The analysis and synthesis of higher pair mechanisms by coordinate transformation theory

  2. 机械高副机构的非赫兹接触应力精确计算研究

    The Research of the Non-contact Stress of Higher Pair Mechanism

  3. 用坐标变换设计高副机构的轮廓曲线

    Designing the Profiles of Mechanisms with Higher Pairs by Coordinates Transformation

  4. 平面高副机构的数综合及型综合

    Number synthesis and type synthesis of plane mechanism with higher pairs

  5. 建立了点啮合高副机构误差与变异关系的基本方程,揭示了误差与变异间的内在规律性。

    And the equations about the relationship between error and variation are established .

  6. 回转高副机构的动态优化设计原理研究

    Study on Dynamical Optimization Design Principle of the Rotative High Kinematic Pair Mechanism

  7. 点啮合高副机构误差与变异关系的运动几何模型

    Error and Variation Relationship on Kinematics and Geometric Model of High pairs Mechanisms with Point Engagement

  8. 平面高副机构的运动分析

    Kinematic analysis of planar higher-pair mechanism

  9. 平面低副及高副机构运动分析的一种新方法

    A New Method for the Movement Analysis of the Mechanical Structure of the Plane High Pair and Low Pair

  10. 根据坐标变换理论,提出共原点和不共原点的两个坐标变换公式,直接应用这些公式即可对高副机构进行分析与综合。

    In regard to the practice and need of mechanism analysis , the introduction of higher-pair rod mechanism contributes much to the General Mechanism .

  11. 本论文对高副机构对位置误差的敏度,即适应性理论做了研究。给出了该种齿轮传动副共轭啮合的基本关系式、啮合条件下误差与变异的关系方程、敏度计算公式等。

    This paper gives the equation of conjugate gear pair , the relationship equation between errors and variations , the equation of susceptibility and so on .

  12. 提出了新型滚动式圆柱面包络点啮合环面蜗杆副的高副机构传动原理,建立了此类机构误差与变异关系的数学模型,据此分析了机构对各类误差的敏度及其适应性问题;

    A new type of cylindrical surface envelope globoidal worm gearing with rolling friction and point engagement , is presented . The mathematic model of high-pair mechanism about its location error and variation relationship is also given .

  13. 在对平面高副机构传动效率的通用计算公式分析的基础上,推导出了一种新的齿轮传动装置的啮合效率的计算公式,并对该公式的正确性做了验证。

    In the thesis , based on the analysis of general calculating formula of planar high pair mechanism efficiency , a new calculating formula of gearing transmission efficiency is presented , and the suitability of the formula is tested .

  14. 通过对测试点理论运动轨迹与实测运动轨迹特征参数的比较,表明线接触高副机构能够很好地反映实际模型变长连杆的特点,且实际模型比传统铰链四杆机构更为接近。

    Compared the characteristic parameters of the track of the test-points between the actual track and the theory tracks , the line-contact surfaces mechanism can reflect well the actual model 's characteristic that the actual model has a changed link-bar in length .

  15. 在点啮合分度凸轮机构原理、蜗轮蜗杆传动原理与技术的基础上,详细讨论了点啮合高副机构的误差条件下的传动问题,误差和变异的基本概念与表现形式等;

    On the basis of transmission principle and technology for the indexing cam mechanisms and the worm mechanisms with point engagement , the questions such as the transmission problems under errors condition , the conception and the form of errors and variations are discussed in detail .

  16. 线接触高副机构由于接触区小、接触应力大等原因,其摩擦、磨损和润滑等问题一直被广大科研工作者所重视,国内外在相关领域的研究取得不少成果。

    Due to small contact area , big contact stress etc. in the line-contact higher pair mechanisms , the issues related to its friction , wear and lubrication have been always paid high attention by scientific researchers . Many research achievements have been reached in relative field nationally and internationally .

  17. 一种新的基本机构&高副杆机构

    Higher - Pair Rod Mechanism & A New Basic Mechanism

  18. 含高副组合机构计算机辅助运动分析

    Computer-aided Analysis of Combined Mechanisms with Higher-pair

  19. 对新型颚式破碎机进行运动学、动力学分析进行机构简化时,建议采用线接触高副模型进行机构分析,减小机构简化带来的误差,提高动力学分析的可靠性。

    The dynamic analysis of the crusher is analyzed in virtue of the line-contact surfaces mechanism and the analysis can reduce the analytic error .

  20. 证明了机械原理中传统的高副低代方法可保证此高副机构和它的低副替代机构自由度不变、瞬时速度和瞬时加速度不变。

    The traditional method of a higher pair replaced by lower pairs is proved to be able to guarantee the mechanism with higher pair and its equivalent lower pair mechanism have the same freedom , instantaneous velocity and instantaneous acceleration .