
  • 网络high voltage power supply
  1. BESⅢ漂移室的高压供电系统

    BES ⅲ drift chamber high voltage power supply system

  2. 介绍了BESⅢ漂移室的高压供电系统,分别阐述了漂移室信号丝高压的确定方法,高压供给电源,高压分配方案,高压板的设计,高压控制程序等。

    The high voltage power supply system of BESM drift chamber is reported How to choose the exact high voltage of the sense wire , the HV power supply , the HV distribution , the HV board design and the program of HV control are described respectively .

  3. 本文从静电除尘器(ESP)供电的基本方程出发,导出了高压供电的最优控制方程。

    From the fundamental relations in the power supply of Electrostatic Precipitators ( ESP ), an optimal control equation of power supply is deduced .

  4. MSVC无功补偿装置在煤矿高压供电中的应用研究

    Application of MSVC Dynamic Var Compensation Device in High Voltage Coal Mines

  5. 论煤矿高压供电越级跳闸事故

    On inadequate tripping of high voltage power supply in coal mines

  6. 单片机高压供电监测仪设计

    Ther Design of Single Chip Microcomputer High Voltage Power supply Monitor

  7. 电收尘器高压供电装置的选取

    Selection of High Voltage Power Supply Devices of Electric Dust Collectors

  8. 煤矿井下变电所高压供电监控系统

    High-Tension Power Supply Monitored Control System for Substation in Coal Mine

  9. 高压供电系统单相接地故障综合选线分析

    The colligate select-line analysis of high voltage power supply system signal-phase get-ground

  10. 高压供电局带电库温、湿度微机控制系统

    High Voltage Power-supply Bureau Electrification Storeroom Temperature and Humidity Microcomputer Control System

  11. 静电除尘器高压供电智能控制系统

    Intellectual Control System of High Voltage Supplier of Electrostatic Precipitator

  12. 基于图论的煤矿井下高压供电网络优化

    Optimization of Underground High-voltage Power Supply Network Based on the Graph Theory

  13. 发电厂电除尘器高压供电控制系统的改造

    Improvements of Electrostatic Precipitator High-Voltage Supply System in Power Plant

  14. 一种载人航天器高压供电系统接地方法

    A Grounding Architecture for High-voltage Power System of Manned Spacecraft

  15. 灭蚊灯及其高压供电

    Electric mosquito killing lamp and its high voltage supply

  16. 浅析井下高压供电事故及预防

    Analysis of Underground High-voltage Power Supply Accidents and Prevention

  17. 电除尘器高压供电优化控制仿真研究控制系统模型简化及参数寻优的仿真

    The Simulation Studies of Model Reduction and Optimal Controller Parameters in Control System

  18. 从龙门吊如采用高压供电出发,重点在设计、施工、造价、节能方面加以阐述。

    This article introduces the high voltage power supply style of electric precipitator .

  19. 电除尘器的高压供电技术

    High - voltage Supply ing Technology of ESP

  20. 对煤矿高压供电系统选择性接地保护装置选用的几点看法

    Views on the Selection of Selective Grounded Protective Devices for High Tension Power Supply System in Coal Mines

  21. 三峡工地高压供电线路故障判断方法的探讨

    Discussions on the judgment methods of the failure of high-tension power line in the site of Three Gorges Project

  22. 供电系统:高压供电及至低压配电柜供电的配电系统(包括低压配电柜)。

    Power supply system : high-voltage power supply and distribution system to low-voltage distributors ( including low-voltage distributors ) .

  23. 井下高压供电系统发生大面积停电原因及防止途径

    Reason and Preventing Way of Power Failure in Most Part of System of High Voltage Supply in Coal Mine

  24. 使用高压供电方式并采用红外光隔离技术能很好地解决高电压状态下的测量问题。

    However , taking some measures can better solve the problem such as isolation by infrared rays and so on .

  25. 煤矿采空区的塌陷与变形对高压供电线塔基的稳定构成了极大的威胁。

    The sinking and deformation occurred in coal mined area do seriously effect the stability and safety on high power tower .

  26. 本文分析和计算了加装无功补偿装置后的高压供电线路和主变压器的节能效果。

    The results of energy saving are analysed and calculated to high voltage circuit and main transformer after installing inefficiency power compensation apparatus .

  27. 它可以用来测量高压供电系统中的电流以达到计量和保护的目的。

    It can be used to measure the current of the high-voltage power supply system to achieve the goal of measuring and protection .

  28. 可以断言,在未来超高压供电等级下,污秽闪络危害性将更大。

    It can be asserted that the flashover will be more serious in the future as the ultra-voltage gets used more and more widely .

  29. 西安高压供电局北郊变电站扩建改造中选用了干式半芯并联电抗器。

    The retrofit and extension of north suburb substation in Xi ' an Power Supply Bureau adopted the dry type half core shunt reactor .

  30. 高压供电电源是静电除尘器的重要组成部分,目前被广泛应用的是单相工频高压电源。

    The high-voltage power source is an important part of electrostatic precipitator , and the single-phase power frequency high-voltage power source is used widely .