
  • 网络CCS;copper clad;copper-clad steel
  1. 介绍了铜包钢芯线生产过程中各道工序的工艺参数及其控制方法,确定了v~I关系。

    This paper introduces in detail the parameters of each step and its control method in copper clad steel wire production . Especially , the establishment of relationship between v and I has important value for reference .

  2. 铜包钢复合线材的挤压成形工艺试验

    Technological experiment of manufacturing copper clad weld wire with extrusion method

  3. 基于线阵CCD在线铜包钢线径测量仪的研究

    Research on the On-line copper-clad steel diameter measuring instrument based on linear CCD

  4. 采用硫酸盐镀铜工艺生产铜包钢线,筛选出一种置换添加剂TP,预镀效果良好,成本低、结合力强、维护方便。

    Acidic sulfate copper plating was adopted to produce copper-clad steel wire . Additive TP was added into the strike copper electrolytes , with low cost and easy control .

  5. 铜包钢线连续挤压包覆模拟实验及机理研究

    The Experimental Simulation and Mechanics of Continuous Cladding Copper / Steel

  6. 热浸镀法生产的铜包钢线性能研究

    Properties Study of Copper Cladding Steel Wire by Hot Dipping Method

  7. 电气化铁路用铜包钢接触线制造技术

    Production technology of copper-clad steel contact wire used in electrified railway

  8. 此外,还介绍了铜包钢线的应用前景。

    The application of copper-clad steel wire in future was also described .

  9. 铜包钢复合线材的滑动拉拔过程

    The Sliding Draw Process of Copper - Clad Weld Wire

  10. 铜包钢复合导线的高电导特性

    The High Electric Conductivity of the Copper - Clad Steel Composite Wire

  11. 铜包钢电话用户通信线的研制

    The Development of Copper clad Steel Wire for Telephone users

  12. 铜包钢线生产工艺的特点及现状

    Characteristics and technical status-quo of the manufacturing process for copper-clad steel wire

  13. 铜包钢芯线生产工艺的研究

    A Study of Copper Clad Steel Wire Production Technology

  14. 铜包钢线连续挤压包覆工艺试验研究

    Experimental Study of Copper - Clad Sted Wire by Continuous Extrusion Cladding Technology

  15. 铜包钢线导电性物理模型及镀层厚度计算

    The Electric Conductivity Physics Model and Plating Thickness Calculation of Copper-clad Steel Wire

  16. 工况条件对铜包钢线滑动拉拔过程的影响

    Effect of Working Conditions on the Sliding Draw Process of Copper-clad Weld Wire

  17. 铜包钢线的生产工艺及其应用

    Production & Application of Copper - Clad Steel Wire

  18. 铜包钢接触线的感应加热控制模型研究

    Study of Control Model of Induction Heating on Copper Clad Steel Contact Wire

  19. 液-固相复合工艺对铜包钢线界面质量的影响

    The Interface Quality of Copper Clad Steel Wire Produced by Liquid-solid Bonding Process

  20. 铜包钢线的包覆焊接工艺与性能

    Processing and Properties of Copper - clad Steel Wire Produced by Pipe-weld Cladding Technique

  21. 介绍了铜包钢线材的类型、性能、应用领域以及生产方法。

    The types , performance and applied field of copper-clad steel wires were introduced .

  22. 阐述了铜包钢线的特点及生产工艺。

    Characteristics as well as the production of copper - clad steel wire were described .

  23. 铜包钢接触线属于高速铁路建设急需的产品,该产品的制造在中国尚属起步阶段。

    The copper clad steel contact wire used for high-speed railway of trains is developing in China .

  24. 铜包钢绞合导体与铜钢混绞导体的耐蚀性比较

    Anticorrosion Comparison of Conductors Intertwisted with Copper-Clad Steel Wires and Conductors of Steel Wires Entwined with Copper

  25. 液固相复合-轧制铜包钢线的组织性能及界面冶金行为

    Microstructrue and Bonding Metallurgical Behavior of Copper Cladding Steel Wire by liquid and Solid Bonding and Rolling Process

  26. 铜包钢线的电导率随包覆比的增大而线性增加。

    The electrical conductivity of CS wire increases linearly with the increase of the cladding percentage of copper layer .

  27. 研究了液-固相复合工艺制备铜包钢线时,钢线预热温度和表面处理对界面结合质量的影响。

    The influences of preheating temperature and surface treatment method on interface of copper clad steel wire produced by liquid-solid bonding process were studied .

  28. 本文以反向凝固法生产的铜包钢线为研究对象,研究了在特定工艺条件下铜/钢界面的组织组成及其界面区的冶金行为。

    The paper presented an investigation on microstructure and metallurgical behavior of copper cladding steel wire produced by inverted casting method at certain process condition .

  29. 在采用连续挤压包覆技术生产铜包钢接触线时,钢丝的预热温度对产品的质量有重要的影响。

    The temperature of steel wire affects the quality of the copper clad steel contact wire when it is produced with new craft of continuous extrusion .

  30. 铜包钢双金属线材既有良好的导电和抗腐蚀性能,又有较高的机械强度,是一种较好的承力索和吊弦线材。

    Copper Clad Steel wire rod presents with good corrosion resistance , electrical conductivity and mechanical strength , and a becomes better choice of material for messenger and droppers .