
  • 网络bronze Ding;Bronze Tripod
  1. 出土随葬器物15件,包括铜鼎、铜豆、铜壶、铜带钩、玉石饰件、玉琮、骨笄等。钩钉,铁或钢制(不包括带铜头的)

    The unearthed burial articles are 15 pieces including bronze ding tripod , bronze dou , bronze hu , belt hook , jade ornament , jade cong , bone hairpin , etc.

  2. 自汉代开始,铜鼎资料不断被发现。

    Starting from the Han Dynasty , the data of bronze tripod have been found .

  3. 以设计制造铜鼎艺术品为例,通过构思、创作设计了铜鼎的CAD三维模型;并采用选区激光烧结(SLS)技术,直接烧结出了PS原模;

    Taking the designing and making of a coppery artwork " Ding " ( an ancient Chinese cooking vessel ) as example , we directly fabricated PS prototype by selective laser sintering ( SLS ) after the three-dimensional CAD model of " Ding " was designed and created ;

  4. 铜鼎是商周时期最为重要的礼器。

    The copper Ding ( a tripod with two handles ) was the most important sacrificial vessel .

  5. 继石碑、铜鼎、叶片和纸张之后,互联网作为法律文本的一种新载体,正以强劲之势扩展着自己的作用空间。

    Following the stele , copper tripod , leaf and paper , the internet as a new carrier of legal text is a strong tendency to expand the role of its own space .

  6. 这些古铜器包括铜尊、铜鼎,鼎多为三足或四足,用以盛食或谷物;这几件古铜器被擦得洗亮夺目。

    " among the finds are zun ( jars ), Ding ( cauldrons ), which is a three legged or four-legged cauldron for holding meat and cereal crop ;" These old pieces of brass have polished up beautifully .