
tónɡ bǎn yìn shuā
  • copperplate printing
  1. 雕刻铜版印刷为意大利金匠腓纳求赖于1452年所发明,至今已有五百多年的历史。

    Engraving printing was invented by Italian metal craftsman in 1452 . It has a long history for five hundred years since then .

  2. 铜版纸印刷品全幅面UV上光油量的分析

    Analysis of UV Oil Quantity in Full Format Coating on Coated Paper

  3. 研究了用铜版纸印刷的中小学课本封面进行UV上光时,上光油的最佳用量。

    The optimum UV varnishing oil quantity in full format UV coating on coated paper used in textbook cover was studied .

  4. 这些杂志的封面都是用上好的铜版纸印刷的。

    The covers of these magazines are printed with superior copperplate paper .

  5. 印刷厂物品被印刷的地方或机构从铜版上印刷出来的印刷物。

    A place or an establishment where matter is printed . a print made from a copperplate engraving .

  6. 分析研究颜料颗粒对铜版纸印刷性能及光学性能的影响。

    This paper theoretically and practically analyze the influence of pigment particle characteristic on optical properties and printing performance of coated art paper production .

  7. 旨在进一步提高轻量涂布纸的质量,替代传统的铜版纸用于高级印刷品。

    We want to improve the quality of LWC instead of art paper in printing .

  8. 由于铜版纸用于彩色印刷具有图像清晰、色泽艳丽、饱和度高等特点,越来越多的人关注到铜版纸的喷墨打印。

    As the coated paper used for color printing images with a clear , beautiful color and high saturation degree , more and more people are concerned about the ink-jet printing on this paper .

  9. 它又称铜版纸。因为在活版印刷是主流期间,用铜版来印刷精细网点色调是最通行的,故名。

    It is even called " copper plate paper " because at the time when letterpress printing were dominate , copper blocks were used to print fine halftones .

  10. 铜版纸有平坦光滑的表面尤其适于铜版印刷;糖衣药片。

    Coated paper has a smooth polished coating especially suitable for halftone printing ; sugar-coated pills .