
tóng kuài
  • Copper block;copper billet
铜块[tóng kuài]
  1. 熔融Cu(55)团簇在铜块体中凝固过程的分子动力学模拟

    Molecular dynamics simulations of a molten Cu_ ( 55 ) cluster embedded in face-centred cubic bulk during solidification

  2. 结果显示,SPS可以用于烧结纳米块体材料,并且所制备纳米铜块体材料在致密度较低情况下依然具有较高的硬度。

    600 ? 700 ℃ temperatures respectively . The results show that SPS can be used for sintering bulk nano material , and has higher hardness at low density .

  3. 用于400~1700K焓测量的自动绝热铜块量热计

    An Automatic Adiabatic Copper-block Drop Calorimeter for Enthalpy Measurements in the Range 400 to 1700K

  4. 聚能药包爆破切割大型铜块体的工程实践

    Cutting large copper blocks by energy - concentrated charge explosion

  5. 纳米晶铜块体材料电化学腐蚀行为研究

    Electrochemical corrosion behavior of nanocrystalline copper bulk

  6. 他的辫子乌黑而油亮,皮肤如抛过光的铜块般黝黑,眼睛形如苦杏仁。

    His braid was black and shiny , his skin as dark as burnished copper , his eyes the shape of bitter almonds .

  7. 在室温下,钻石的热传导律比铜块高六倍左右。

    At room temperature , the thermal conductivity of a diamond is about six times higher than that of a piece of copper .

  8. 他的身边挂一把弯弯的短刀,背后插一个圆圆的嵌着铜块的盾牌,右手握一柄长矛。

    By his side hung a curving scimitar , a round shield studded with bosses of brass hung at his back , and his right hand grasped a lance .

  9. 大型铜块体尺寸大、韧性好,其他方法很难拆分,因此只能采用爆破法将其切割。

    Owing to their large size and toughness , the copper blocks were hard to cut by using other common methods , and therefore , the explosion cutting has to be adopted .

  10. 所述调整螺栓、阀芯套、阀芯、弹簧、钢球、铜块、弹簧和调节块,分别装配在所述两个圆柱形阀体内;

    The adjusting bolt , the valve core sleeve , the valve core , the spring , the steel ball , the copper block , the spring and the adjusting block are respectively arranged in two cylindrical valve bodies ;

  11. 用发热铜块模拟电子器件,油泵回路控制风温,毕托管和倾斜式微压计测量风速等方法,建立了热管型散热器性能测试系统。

    Based on the methods of simulating electronic apparatus with a heating copper block , controlling wind temperature with an oil pump loop and measuring wind velocity with a pitot tube and an inclined micro-manometer etc , a performance test system of thermosyphon heat sink was set up .

  12. 金刚石锯片铜基节块的组织与力学性能

    Microstructure and mechanical properties of copper based diamond saw blade

  13. 差压铸造法制备铜基块体非晶合金

    Using the Differential Air Pressure Casting Method to Prepare Cu-based Bulk Amorphous Alloys

  14. 铜凸块形成用三层箔

    Three Layer Foil for Copper Bump Forming

  15. 铜基块体非晶合金的研究进展

    Development of Cu-base bulk amorphous alloys

  16. 她们在悉尼奥运会的女子双打中囊括金,银和铜三块奖牌。

    They won the gold silver and bronze medals in the women 's doubles event at the Sydney Olympics .

  17. 对同一种表面形状来说,铝试块比铜试块的摩擦因数要略大。

    The friction coefficient of aluminum sample is larger than that of the brass sample when the surface is same .

  18. 织的绿色玻璃和SATA和电源连接器铜花式一块称为印制电路板或PCB。

    The fancy piece of green woven glass and copper with SATA and power connectors called Printed Circuit Board or PCB .

  19. 铜庄断块为低渗透微裂缝油藏。

    Tongzhuang fault block is a low permeability , micro fractured reservoir .

  20. 铜安断块以其特有的构造发育特征与安阳矿区其它各断块构造发育相区别。

    Characteristics of Fault Who 's fault ? The structural features in Tongan Fault - blocks are different from the others in Anyang Mining Area .

  21. 用镀Ti金刚石制成的铜基合金磨块对花岗岩的磨削比与不镀钛金刚石相比提高30%。

    The grinding ratio of samples made from Ti-clad diamond is 30 % higher than that without clad diamond .