
  • 网络Copper poisoning;Copper Toxicosis
  1. 实验性山羊急性铜中毒的治疗和预防研究

    Study on the prevention and treatment of acute copper poisoning in goats

  2. 猪的铜中毒机理及其防治

    Mechanism of the copper poisoning disease and prevention in pig

  3. 但目前仍未阐明铜中毒时出现MB的机制。

    The pathogenesis of MBs in copper toxicosis is still unresolved .

  4. 铜中毒对雏鸡红细胞免疫功能的影响

    Effect of Copper Toxicity on the Erythrocyte Immune Function in Chicken

  5. 铜中毒对雏鸡血液生化指标影响的研究

    Effect of Copper Toxicity on Blood Biochemical Parameters in Broilers

  6. 铜中毒引起的秀丽线虫世代间可传递的缺陷

    Copper exposure causes transferable defects of phenotypes and behaviors in C. elegans

  7. 实验性雏鸭铜中毒的发病机理研究

    Studies on Pathogenesis of Experimental Copper Intoxication in Ducklings

  8. 动物铜中毒及防治

    The Intoxication of Copper in Animals and Preventive Measures

  9. 鲫鱼实验性铜中毒及治疗的研究

    The study on experimental copper toxity and its detoxication of Carassius auratus cuvieri

  10. 家畜铜中毒研究进展

    Progress on Copper Poisoning in Domestic Animals

  11. 上述研究结果表明,铜中毒可以诱导淋巴细胞凋亡。

    The aforementioned results demonstrated that copper toxicity can induce apoptosis in lymphocytes of lymphoid organs .

  12. 硼对铜中毒肉用乌骨鸡血常铜含量及血常规指标的影响

    Effect on copper content in serum and routine blood indexes of black bone broiler by increasing boron anti copper poisoning

  13. 急性铜中毒对金鱼肝、肾细胞结构的这种损伤在解除毒物12天后未见明显恢复。

    The liver and renal ultrastructure damnifications of acute copper poisoning goldfish had not evidently comeback by12 days within innocuity water .

  14. 亚急性铜中毒金鱼肝、肾的超微病理学变化与急性铜中毒鱼相似,只是随着中毒时间的推移,逐步呈现出病变的加重过程。

    The liver and renal ultrapathological changes of subacute poisoned fish resembled acute poisoned fish ' , along with prolong poisoning time , pathological changes aggravated gradually .

  15. 得到乌骨鸡的铜中毒剂量后,采用二因子多水平随机化实验设计来研究日粮硼、锰对铜中毒乌骨鸡的影响。

    Then , 440 day-old healthy broilers were contacted with 2 × 2 factorial design to study the effect of inorganic boron and manganese anti black bone broiler copper poisoning .

  16. 铜中毒是指家畜摄食铜元素过多,或铜在肝脏等组织中大量蓄积,因突然释放进入血液循环所引起的一种重金属中毒性疾病。

    Copper poisoning is a kind of metal poisoning disease which caused by animal intake too much copper , or remaining a lot of copper in the liver and quickly into blood circulation .

  17. 文章归纳了铜中毒的发病特点和发病原因;总结了铜中毒的3种发病机理,铜中毒的保护机制,铜与氧自由基的产生机制,铜毒理;

    There are three types of mechanisms in copper poisoning : mechanism for protection against copper toxicity , mechanism for the formation of copper and oxygen free radicals , and pathogenesis of copper toxicosis .

  18. 表明中药保肝解毒汤对铜中毒欧鳗肝、肾组织中Na+-K+-ATPase活性具有恢复作用,但剂量对其药效有影响。

    BJD could increase the activities of Na + - K + - ATPase in liver and kidney of European eel with experimental intoxication induced by copper , but the dosage may influence its effect .

  19. 剑尾鱼硫酸铜急性中毒的病理学研究

    Histopathological Study of Intoxication with Copper Sulfate

  20. 肉鸡实验性铜、锌中毒的研究

    A study on broiler poisoning by copper / zinc for experiment

  21. 锌、铜对钼中毒绵羊免疫功能的影响

    Influence of Zn , Cu to immunity function on Mo poisoned sheep

  22. 油脂加氢铜催化剂的硫中毒研究

    Study on the sulfur poisoning of copper-containing catalysts in Hydrogenation of Oils and Fats

  23. 甲醇合成铜基催化剂硫化氢中毒研究(Ⅱ)&表面中毒催化剂效率因子

    Hydrogen sulfide poisoning of methanol synthesis Cu-based catalyst (ⅱ) effectiveness factor of surface poisoned catalyst

  24. 四川紫色土对铜的吸附特性及其与铜中毒临界值的关系

    Characteristics of copper absorption by purple soils from Sichuan Province and its influence on critical value of Cu toxicity

  25. 观察各组雏鸡临床表现、病理变化、生产性能、临床病理学指标、肝功能指标以及血清和肝脏铜含量的变化,判定硼、锰对乌骨鸡铜中毒的作用效果。

    The clinical symptom , growth performance , pathological changes , clinical pathology indexes , liver function indexes and copper content in serum and liver of chickens were observed in order to estimate the effect of B and Mn anti black bone broiler copper poisoning .

  26. 尽管少量的铜原子在细胞中极其重要,然而大量的铜元素可能引起中毒。

    Although it is vital to the cell in small amounts , in large quantities it can become toxic .