
  • 网络fingerprint access;Fingerprint access control;fingerprint door lock;BA-URK Plus
  1. 一种指纹门禁系统

    A Fingerprint Access Control System

  2. 银行保安的新宠&指纹门禁防尾随互通门

    A Fingerprint Access Control Double Door Used in Bank Security

  3. 本文在基于ARM基础上设计并实现了指纹门禁联网系统。

    This article design and realize fingerprint Door-lock system network based on ARM .

  4. NET环境下的C语言实现系统中涉及的主要类、方法,对指纹门禁系统的健壮性、安全性进行了分析。

    Realize the main classes and methods of system are realized by C # language in . net environment , robustness and security are also analyzed .

  5. 本文以指纹门禁行业为研究对象。

    Based on fingerprint door industry as the research object .

  6. 基于以太网的指纹门禁控制器设计与实现

    Design and realization of fingerprint access controller based on Ethernet

  7. 大型指纹门禁系统的设计与初步研究

    Design and Primary Study of Large-Scale Fingerprint Access System

  8. 基于网络的指纹门禁系统数据传输接口

    A Design of Net Transmission Interface of Fingerprint Access Control System Based on Web

  9. 视频监控子系统和指纹门禁系统一起构成实验室综合指纹门禁系统。

    The video monitor subsystem and the laboratory fingerprint entrance control system synthesized the integrated laboratory fingerprint entrance control system .

  10. 指纹门禁是生物识别门禁系统应用最广泛的一种,因此其软件设计也成为网络系统集成过程中经常遇到的问题。

    Fingerprint door lock is one of broadest application in biometric recognition , so the software design is the main problem in system integration .

  11. 由于本系统是由电池供电,并且24小时处于待机状态,所以解决系统功耗是一个重要问题。以本次设计的指纹门禁系统为例,叙述零功耗系统设计的基本概念。

    Because this system is powered by batteries , and is waiting day and night , it is important to reduce the power of system .

  12. 在指纹门禁系统中,指纹图像预处理构成了整个系统的基础,而二值化与细化则是预处理过程的核心。

    In the fingerprint entrance control system , the preprocessing of fingerprint images is the foundation of the whole system whose core is binarization and thinning .

  13. 通过对指纹门禁系统市场的分析,提出网络门禁系统应具有的功能,对系统的数据流图、主要功能模块、网络拓扑结构进行了描述,给出详细的设计过程。采用。

    By analyzing the market of fingerprint system , the functions which the network fingerprint system should have are put forward , and the system 's data flow diagram and main function module and network topology are described , and the detail design process is given .

  14. 基于ARM的指纹识别门禁系统设计

    The Design of Fingerprint Recognition Safeguard Based on ARM

  15. 包装内容:指纹安全门禁系统,安装转接环。带演示软件的的CD,操作说明。

    Package content : Fingerprint security access system . mounting adapter ring . CD with demo software . operating instructions .

  16. 活体指纹识别门禁管理系统的研制

    The development of vital fingerprint discrimination door

  17. 本文从某单位的实际需求出发,综合运用上述多种技术,设计并实现了一套基于内部网和嵌入式系统的远程指纹自动识别门禁系统。

    Proceeding from the actual demand of our department and applying comprehensively the above technologies , this article described designing and implementing a long-distance fingerprint automatic entrance guard system based on the Intranet and embedded system . Modular methodology is used to design the whole system .

  18. 我们需要购买指纹识别系统及门禁系统。请有意者联系。

    Fingerprint Time Attendance System & access control system .

  19. 公司主要产品有指纹门锁、指纹门禁、电脑门锁、保险箱、酒店智能客房系统、一卡通设备及系统。

    Main products in company contain a lock of the computer , safe-deposit box , grogshop intelligence guest room system ; a card is general used equipments and system .

  20. 或允许买方有机会购买其认为是系统维修和支持所需的足量备件。我们需要购买指纹识别系统及门禁系统。请有意者联系。

    Or allows Buyer the opportunity to purchase sufficient quantities of spare parts as Buyer deems necessary to maintain and support the System . Fingerprint Time Attendance System & access control system .

  21. 传统的高性能自动指纹识别系统一般是基于PC平台的,而目前得到广泛使用的指纹门禁系统则大多基于嵌入式平台,因此对识别系统的实时性和可靠性提出了更高的要求。

    Traditional high-performance automatic fingerprint identification systems are usually realized on the PC-based platforms ; however , most of fingerprint entrance control systems used in many places nowadays are based on embedding platform , and therefore have greater demand for system 's real-time ability and reliability .