
  • 网络Exponential curve
  1. 本文在对兰许高速公路试验路段长达1年的变形观测的基础上,对双曲线法、指数曲线法、Asaoka法预测结果的对比发现,双曲线更适合于该地区沉降特性。

    This article in to experiments about 1 year in the stable observation foundation , to the hyperbolic long-base method , the exponential curve law , the Asaoka law forecast the result the contrast discovered that the hyperbolic curve suits in this area 's settlement qualities .

  2. 通过比较说明:灰色预测精度最高,指数曲线法次之,对数曲线法最低。

    Through the compare we can draw a conclusion that the gray forecasting precision is the best , the exponential curve method is the second best , and the logarithmic curve method is the worst .

  3. 本论文根据试验现场实测沉降数据,分别利用双曲线法、指数曲线法、BP神经网络法和灰色系统理论法进行建模,对注浆后桩基的长期沉降趋势和最终沉降值进行预测。

    This paper will forecast the long-term developing law of settlement and the final settlement by hyperbola , exponent curve , BP neural network and grey theory method based on measured data .

  4. 同时,采用灰色系统法得到的最终沉降量预测值比双曲线法、指数曲线法预侧值大,说明该方法的预测值是偏于安全的,表明对工后沉降的要求更为严格。

    Meanwhile , by using grey system method of the final settlement quantity prediction obtained than hyperbolic method , exponential curve method predicted value big , which shows that this method is the prediction that tends to safety , showed the requirements of settlement after more strict .

  5. 实例分析表明,改进指数曲线法具有较好的稳定性,而对三点的选取尽可能选在拐点之后。

    Therefore , the exponential curve method has been improved by introducing the selecting points thought of three-point into exponential curve model , Analysis of engineering examples shows that the improved exponential curve method has good stability and requirement is after the inflection point to three-point selecting .

  6. 缓冲溶液pH值的快速确定法&指数曲线图示法

    A Speedy Way to Determine the PH Value of Cushioning Liquid & The Index Curve Drawing

  7. 升降频采用直线升降法、指数曲线升降法或抛物线升降法。

    The frequency-rising and frequency-falling use linear method , exponential curve method and parabolic curve method .

  8. 该文指出了GM(1,1)模型用于预测的不足之处,采用指数曲线拟合最小二乘法补充了GM(1,1)模型的不足,建立了指数模型,实际应用精度较好。

    The defects of GM ( 1,1 ) model have been pointed out in this paper . And it has been improved by using least square approxi-mation to fit exponential curve . The exponential model is established , and the accuracy in practical application is quite high .