
  • 网络forecasting for science and technology
  1. 21世纪科技发展预测

    Forecasting on Development of Science and Technology in the 21st Century

  2. 军队医学科技发展预测的研究与实现

    Research Implementation of Medical Science and Technology Development Forecast

  3. 河北农业科技发展的走势预测

    The Development Trend of Agricultural Science and Technology in Hebei Province

  4. 科技开发区发展预测模型及其应用

    The forecasting model and its use of science and technology development zones

  5. 作者从我国的水产业现状出发,对新世纪的水产科技发展作出了预测。

    In view of present situation of fisheries in China , the author made prospects for the development of fisheries science and technology in the 21st century .

  6. 中国科技园区经济发展智能预测

    Intelligent Forecasting of Economic Development for State Scientific and Technologic Park Region

  7. 科技的发展催生技术预测的产生。

    Prediction Technique of Drifting Course of Disabled Ships ;

  8. 同时,由于科技发展的不可预测性和产品生产、流通中的缺漏,出现了大量缺陷产品导致他人人身和财产遭受损害的案件。

    At the same time , due to the unpredictability of technological development and product production and circulation in the gaps , there has been a large number of defective products causing personal and property damage cases .

  9. 以我国畜牧业为例选择适合我国行业科技技术预测的调查方法和步骤,应用德尔菲调查法,对我国畜牧业近20年左右的科技发展进行了预测研究。

    This paper selected the survey method and the steps of technology foresight suitable for China industry science and technology with animal husbandry industry as a case , and applied the Delphi survey method to study the development of science and technology in near 20 years .