
kē yán ɡuán lǐ
  • Scientific research management;management of scientific research
  1. 基于Agent下科研管理系统的实现

    Agent-based System under the Management of Scientific Research to Achieve

  2. 本文将ISO9000族国际标准的一般原理应用于科研管理,提出了以全新的质量理念、科学的管理方法、先进的管理模式做好医学科研工作的对策。

    The author of the article applies general principles of the modern ISO9000 Clan international standard to the management of scientific research , and put forward the counter-measures of improving scientific research in medicine by means of all-new quality concept , scientific ways of management and advanced managerial patterns .

  3. UML在高校科研管理系统中的应用

    Application of UML for University Scientific Research Management System

  4. 使用PB开发基于校园网的高校科研管理系统

    Development of Universities and Colleges'Scientific Research Management System Based on Campus Network Using PB

  5. MIS在高校科研管理中的实现

    Implementation of MIS in College Scientific Research Management

  6. 如何利用Internet网在高校建立起科学的管理系统,提高学校科研管理能力是我们需要深入探讨和解决的一个重要课题。

    How to make use of Internet to develop a scientific managing system in colleges and universities is a key problem we need to probe and solve .

  7. 基于MVC思想的科研管理信息平台

    Management Information System of Scientific Research Based on MVC

  8. 基于SPA的同异反科研管理理论及应用

    Theory and Application of I.D.C Science Research Management On SPA

  9. ISO9000族国际标准与医学科研管理

    ISO9000 Clan International Standard and the Medical Science and Research Management

  10. 针对我国高校科研管理部门使用的科研管理信息系统(MIS)大多处于单机处理的现象,提出了对MIS进行优化设计。

    At present , most scientific research Management Information System ( MIS ) of our universities apply stand-alone computers .

  11. 该方案对WORD文档模板的格式化和安全保护策略进行了设计,并在某科研管理信息系统实施中验证了它的实用性和有效性。

    It designs a WORD document template 's format and security protection policy and verify the practicality and efficiency of this project in the environment of a actual science management information system .

  12. SCI的科研管理功能表现在评价、预测、决策、创新等方面。

    Science research management functions of SCI are shown in the fields of evaluating , forecasting , decision-making and innovating .

  13. 现今,各种开发工具与关键技术不乏使用在科研管理信息系统的开发中,比如J2EE平台或者.net平台。

    Nowadays , various develop tools and key technologies have been widely used in scientific research management platform , for example , J2EE and . net architecture .

  14. 但是SCI也有一定的局限性,科研管理部门应根据自己的实际情况,慎重使用SCI。

    But SCI also has its certain limitations , so the science research management departments should use it carefully according to their practical conditions .

  15. MPG科研管理模式对创新我国基础研究机构的启示

    Scientific Research Managing Pattern of the Max Planck Society and Its Enlightenment to China

  16. 指出了MIS建设的目标要求和实施策略,介绍了MIS的功能模块设计及在高校科研管理中的实现与作用。

    This paper points out the request and implementation strategy of MIS construction , and introduces the design of MIS function model and its realization and function in college scientific research management .

  17. 文章从WWW网站建立、网络数据库建设、网络安全管理三个方面阐述了科研管理信息化创新的一些具体方法。

    The article shows some methods of the network and information innovation of scientific research management from three aspects : WWW server , network database and the security of network .

  18. 基于使用J2EE技术开发高校科研管理系统可以减少开发的开销和复杂度。

    It should meet the requirements of expansibility , the high performance , the security and the reliability . Based on J2EE technique development of university research information management system can reduce the cost and complexity of development .

  19. 本文针对科研管理单位的需求,结合科研MIS的功能结构与体系结构,讨论了科研MIS中的数据仓库设计,给出了科研MIS中基于数据仓库和OLAP的应用实例。

    The article discusses the design of data warehouse of scientific researching MIS , and presents an application example of OLAP based on data warehouse , combined with function structure and system architecture of scientific researching MIS .

  20. 分析了复杂科学技术研究及其管理的特点,总结出一种基于层次、阶段、流程和两线的树形(TS)科研管理方法。

    Analyses the characters of complexity science and technology development project , presents a tree shape ( TS ) management method that based on hierarchy management , segments management , workflow management and 2-lines management .

  21. 科研管理是高校的重要工作。

    The management of science research is very important for university .

  22. 强化科研管理创新推进医院全面建设

    Strengthening innovative management of scientific research to promote overall hospital construction

  23. 多媒体技术在农业科研管理中应用前景

    Applied Prospects on Multimedia in the Management of Agricultural Scientific Research

  24. 运用等级组织理论提高高校科研管理效率问题初探

    Raising scientific research management efficiency in universities by using hierarchy theory

  25. 科技信息资源的开发利用与科研管理

    Exploitation and Utilization of ST Information Resources and Research Management

  26. 关于教育科研管理若干问题的思考

    Thoughts on the Issues of Scientific Research Management of Education

  27. 科研管理网络化的实践与体会

    Experience and thinking of science and research management work networking

  28. 高校科研管理应增强的几种意识

    The consciousnesses of scientific research management must be boosted up in universities

  29. 高校科研管理与信息网络技术

    Information Networks and the Management of Scientific Technique in Universities

  30. 关于军医大学科研管理的几点思考

    Opinions on the Scientific Research Management in Military Medical Universities