
  1. 工业发达国家科普资源共建共享的经验与启示

    Science Education Resources Sharing in Advanced Industrial Countries : Practices and Implications

  2. 该科普资源包由科普讲座、科普参观、科普实验和科普讨论等内容构成。

    The package consists of lectures , visits , experiments and topic discussions by focusing on science popularization .

  3. 本文对昆虫文化所蕴含的深厚科学与人文意蕴进行了阐析,试图说明:昆虫文化具备丰厚科普资源;

    In this paper , the abundant resources of science and humanity behind entomology culture have been highlighted and reviewed .

  4. 科学史研究科学发生和发展的历史,其特殊的研究视角,决定了它可以成为重要的科普资源。

    Science history studies the history of occurrence and development about science . It is important resources for popularization of science decided by its special research angle .

  5. 科普资源作为科普工作的基础和核心,是提升科普能力的重要因素。

    Scientific Resources is not only a science and scientific basis of the work and tools , but also the ability to upgrade an important factor in science .

  6. 通过大量的资料查询,研究者获取了有关于科普场馆资源利用、STS教学设计的资料。

    Through a large number of information inquiry , a large number of science resources utilization and STS approach design material have been obtained .

  7. 本研究结果主要体现在以下两个方面:一、利用科普场馆资源的STS教学能够提高学生对STS的认识。

    The results in the following two aspects : First , the STS approach of using science resources can improve the students understanding of STS .

  8. 根据国内外研究者对利用科普场馆资源的教学研究基础,本研究确立水单元的教学设计方案,并进行STS教学实践。

    According to domestic and foreign researchers on the use of science museums , the study established the instructional design of water unit and carry out STS teaching practice .

  9. 并对各优势科普旅游资源的开发提出了具体的开发方向。

    Put forward the concrete development direction to every advantage popular science development of tourist resources .

  10. 吉林省历史文化遗存类科普旅游资源的开发

    RESOURCE Study of the Popular Science Tourism Left behind by the History and Culture of Jilin Province

  11. 加强科普人力资源建设,创立高素质的科普队伍;

    Strengthening the development of human resource for science popularization , creating quality staffs for science popularization ;

  12. 为了保证吉林省科普旅游资源开发的正确实施,本文的最后对吉林省科普旅游资源开发提出了六项对策。

    Six measures are put forward at the end of the study to make sure the implementation of the exploitation .

  13. 对科普旅游资源的分类和开发方面的研究更显欠缺。

    It is deficient that the study on classification and development of the tourist resources of popular science is more apparently .

  14. 前言:从设计开发原则、内容和形式等方面思考,设计“城市中水回用”科普活动资源包。

    The science popularization resource package of neutral water recycle in city was primarily designed by taking consideration of the designing principle , content and format .

  15. 通过吉林省科普旅游资源开发研究,为其他同类地区的科普旅游资源的开发提供了一个案例。

    Through the study of the exploitation of resources for popular science tourism in Jilin province , the study of the planning is a wonderful example to other similar areas .

  16. 目前,我国城市科技馆发展中的主要问题有:(1)科普展览资源与科普活动资源缺乏创新。

    At present , our country city museum of science and technology in the development of the main problems with : ( 1 ) the exhibition resources and science popularization resource lack of innovation .

  17. 在对山东省博物馆科普旅游资源进行分类和评价的基础上,指出了博物馆科普旅游发展过程中存在问题,探讨了发展的战略对策。

    Based on sort and appraisal of museum popular science tourism in Shandong province , the author points out questions of museum tourism of development , and discusses strategic measures of museum popular science tourism in Shandong province .

  18. 调查的最终目的是寻求如何能更有效的利用已有的科普场地资源来提高资源存在的实效,如何更好的开展校园文化建设和学科教学来提升科普教育的水准。

    The ultimate aim is to investigate how the search for more efficient use of existing resources to improve science facilities in the effectiveness of resources exist , how to better carry out the construction of campus culture and teaching to enhance the standard of science education .

  19. 通过定量评价和类型的特色评价,确定了吉林省的优势科普旅游资源为:火山熔岩、湿地、森林、冰雪、文化遗存、民俗、产业科普旅游资源。

    Appraise through quantitative appraisal and characteristic of the type , confirm advantage popular science tourist resources in Jilin Province as : The lava , wetland , forest , ice and snow , culture remains , folk custom , popular science tourist resources of industry of volcano .

  20. 高校作为科普工作的重要阵地,自主开发科普资源,是高校科普工作发挥重要作用的可行之路。

    Colleges and universities as the main places for the work of science popularization , it is feasible for them to bring popularization of science into full play by developing resource of science popularization independently .

  21. 近年来数字科普在我国发展迅速,但仍需不断提高,要对受众进行认真分析,正确把握科普知识的需求,以免造成科普资源的浪费。

    However , the analysis of audience should be taken into account seriously to grasp their need for popular science knowledge with the least waste of science popularization resources .