
kē xué yuán
  • science park
  1. 泰国的国家纳米技术中心(Nanotec)上个月(8月25日)在泰国科学园的一场活动上公布了这种蚊帐。

    Thailand 's National Nanotechnology Center ( Nanotec ) unveiled the nets last month ( 25 August ) at an event at the Thailand Science Park .

  2. 在科学园里,我们看到一个奇怪的球。

    In the science park , we see a strange ball .

  3. 中关村生命科学园休闲广场设计

    The Design of Relaxation Plaza in Zhongguancun Life Science Park

  4. 能让我在科学园下车吗?

    Would you drove me off at the science park ?

  5. 香港科学园与首个主要租户签约。

    Hong Kong Science Park signs first anchor tenant .

  6. 生命科学园的绿色前景

    Green Prospects for the Life Science Park

  7. 在香港,集团亦成功取得科学园的供应合约。

    In Hong kong , the group has obtained a supply contract for the science park .

  8. 中和市远东科学园。

    Chungho Far East Science Park .

  9. 新加坡科学园

    The Singapore Science Park

  10. 由于英国科学园与中国的企业孵化器具有相似之处,可以作为借鉴。

    UK experience is useful for China due to the similarities between its science parks and Chinese business incubators .

  11. 隔壁的科学园是两个台湾的科学与工程强国,国立交通大学和国立清华大学。

    Nextdoor to the science park are two of Taiwan 's science and engineeringpowerhouses , National Chiao Tung University and National Tsing HuaUniversity .

  12. 他于80年代活跃于促进研究与发展和管理新加坡科学园。

    He was intimately involved in the promotion of research and development and the administration of the Singapore Science Park in the 1980s .

  13. 由香港科技园公司兴建的科学园位于大埔白石角,将会提供共22公顷土地。

    The science park being developed by the HKSTPC at Pak Shek kok , Tai Po will provide a total area of22 hectares .

  14. 科技园面对商务、社会和城市发展的冲击&国际科学园协会第19届科技园世界大会情况综述

    The science and technology parks : business , social and urban development impacts & the summary of XIX IASP World Conference , on science and technology parks

  15. 英国大学科学园在大学、政府、企业及私人投资者的共同努力下兴盛发展。

    It is of significance to study the causes of the thriving of the university science parks in England before we can make our own science parks prosper .

  16. 临时香港科学园有限公司现正积极筹备在大埔白石角发展占地22公顷的香港科学园。

    The Provisional Hong Kong Science Park Company Limited is now actively planning for the development of a 22-hectare Science Park at Pak Shek Kok , Tai Po .

  17. 该发展区的前期基础设施的详细设计已展开,工程可望于二零零一年年中完成,配合科学园第i期的运作。

    The detailed design of the advance infrastructure has begun and advance infrastructural work is scheduled for completion in mid-2001 to tie in with the operation of Science Park Phase I.

  18. 支援项目包括由香港生产力促进局及香港工业科技中心提供技术发展和谘询服务,以及正在筹划中的科学园计划。

    They include technical development and advisory services provided by the Hong Kong Productivity council , the Hong Kong Industrial Technology centre , as well as the science park project currently under planning .

  19. 本试验于2000年和2001年在中国农业大学科学园草坪试验基地进行,研究了北京地区气候条件下,冷季型草坪草&草地早熟禾的生长特性和养分吸收规律。

    Field experiments were carried out in the Field Research Park of China Agricultural University during 2000 to 2001 to investigate the characteristic of growth and nutrient uptake of Poa pratensis lawn in Beijing area .

  20. 六是建立良种引进、研发中心,做大做强海峡两岸(漳州)农业高新品种科学园和种苗业。

    Sixthly , establish a center to introduce , research and develop high quality seeds , make the Across-straits ( Zhangzhou ) Agricultural Park of Good and New Varieties and seed industry grow bigger and stronger .

  21. 南大科学园文化创意产业园工程项目位于南京市栖霞区仙林新市区白象片区内,北临韦地路,南临南京大学仙林校区。

    Nanjing University Science Park Cultural and Creative Industry Park project located in Nanjing Qixia District Xianlin new urban white elephant chip area , north to Wei Di Road , south to Xianlin Campus of Nanjing University .

  22. 主要是通过对国外工业区、科学园等开发区的发展过程中,财政具体的对策和效果进行分析探讨,以期对我国开发区财政政策的完善提供借鉴。

    Mainly on the foreign industrial zone , such as the development of science development process , financial specific measures and effects are discussed , in order to perfect our country development zone financial policy to provide reference .

  23. 据统计,目前世界上已有各类高科技园区2000多个,其发展模式也多种多样,孵化器、科学园、技术城、高新技术产业园、高技术产品出口加工区等模式层出不穷。

    According to the statistics , up to now there are over 2000 science parks in some kinds , and their development mode is versatile : Hatching Machine , Science Park , Technology City , High-Tech Industry Park , High-Tech Products Export & Processing Zone emerge continuously .