
  1. 从EI检索谈科技文摘的规范写作与翻译

    EI and the Writing and Translation of Abstracts of Scientific Papers

  2. 从《化学文摘》检索谈科技文摘的写作

    Chemical Abstracts and the writing of abstracts of scientific papers

  3. 农业科技文摘的功能与写作

    The Function and Writing of Abstract in Agricultural Science

  4. 基于机器学习的科技文摘关键词自动提取方法

    Automatic extraction of key phrases from scientific articles based on machine learning method

  5. 基于汉语语义分析的中文科技文摘编制自动化的研究

    Semantic Analysis of Chinese and Research on Automation of Chinese Science & Technology Abstract

  6. 纺织科技文摘管理系统的开发

    System development of textile technical journals management

  7. 体裁分析在科技文摘翻译中的运用

    Genre Analysis in Translation of Technical Abstracts

  8. 科技文摘,在语篇结构、文体风格、社会功能等方面具有特定的体裁特征。

    Technical abstracts have their own features in terms of communicative functions , linguistic patterns and textual structures .

  9. 本文通过调查利用改版后的6种我国科技文摘型检索期刊的效果,比较了其改版前后,在结构、内容、文献资源收集等方面的异同;

    Retrieval periodicals , the paper has compared the similarities and differences in structure , content , information collection , etc.

  10. 中国核科技报告文摘(1990)

    China Nuclear Science & . technology report abstracts ( 1990 )

  11. 科技论文文摘的撰写论学术论文的撰写

    Composition of Abstract of Science and Technology Article Strategies for Writing Academic Papers

  12. 科技论文文摘翻译方法浅析

    On translation of abstract of sci tech Papers

  13. 科技论文文摘的撰写

    Composition of Abstract of Science and Technology Article

  14. 科技论文文摘英汉互译的几个问题&兼谈文摘的写作要领

    On Abstract Writing and Translating of the Scientific Article & The Essentials of Abstract Writing

  15. 浅析科技论文文摘

    Some Analyses to abstracts of Scientific Papers

  16. 科技论文英文文摘的翻译原则与常见错误分析

    Standards and principles for translating English abstracts from scientific and Technological Papers

  17. 中文农业科技期刊英文文摘写作的一点体会

    Some Experiences in Writing and Editing English Abstracts in Scientific Periodicals in China

  18. 科技期刊英文文摘的编译探讨

    A Probe on Compilation and Translation of English Abstracts in Scientific and Technical Periodicals

  19. 如何写好科技文献英文文摘的开头句简明扼要&科技论文英文摘要写作研究

    Discussion on Writing First Sentence of High-quality English Abstract for Scientific and Technical Literatures

  20. 简论机读科技论文英文文摘的写作方法

    The Writing Method for English Abstract of Scientific and Technical Treatise with Computer Reading

  21. 科技论文中文文摘制作的常见问题

    Brief Discussion on Several Problems in the Course of Writing Chinese Abstract for Scientific and Technical Papers

  22. 从不同的角度阐述了制作高质量科技文献英文文摘的重要性。

    The importance is firstly expounded for writing the high-quality English abstract of scientific and technical litera - tures from different angles .

  23. 然后以制作报道性英文文摘为例,着重对如何写好科技文献英文文摘的开头句这一问题进行了讨论。

    Secondly , taking writing the informative abstract as an example , more attentions are paid to the discussion on the problem how to write the first sentence of high-quality English abstract of scientific and technical literatures well .

  24. 农业科技论文篇幅与文摘字数的相关分析

    Statistic Analysis on Word Number of Agricultural Thesis Abstract

  25. 这篇论文篇幅太长。农业科技论文篇幅与文摘字数的相关分析

    This paper is too long . Statistic Analysis on Word Number of Agricultural Thesis Abstract