
  • 网络Indicated Abstracts;indicative abstract;indicative or descriptive abstract
  1. 论述了文摘的生成方法,得到了一个机编指示性文摘的实验系统。

    Finally , a brief description of the method on abstract-making is given and an experimental system of automating indicative abstract is implemented .

  2. 通过对手工编制文摘方法的研究以及对以往失败教训的总结,文章尝试使用汉语的语义分析方法,对机编指示性文摘进行了探讨。

    After studying manual-abstract and taking the lessons , we make a study of the automating indicative abstract acquisition through the method of semantic analysis .

  3. 三类文摘的信息量:报道性文摘>报道/指示性文摘>指示性文摘。图示急性侵蚀性胃炎,当然也有其它类型。

    It is the best to choose the informational abstract for research report . The findings here fit with acute erosive gastropathy , but there are other patterns .