
  1. 在治疗师的指导下,患者们使用自己的指尖点按不同的穴位。

    With a therapist 's guidance , the patient taps various acupressure points with his or her own fingertips .

  2. 餐馆服务员指尖轻轻一点,移动网络就可以通过手机终端满足消费者的一切需求。

    Restaurant waiter gently point with fingers , mobile network can meet all the needs of consumers through the mobile terminal phone .

  3. 她又喝了一勺,这时一股缓慢的暖流已进入她的血脉,渗透她的周身,连手指尖也有点激动了。

    She drank again , a slow train of warmth lighting in her veins and stealing through her body until even her finger tips tingled .

  4. 推导了指尖在夹持点对处于任意姿态的物体进行夹持时所需姿态的解析表达式,并借助姿态球给出了夹持灵活度的定义。

    The analytic expression of the fingertip gesture is deduced when the fingertips clamp the object with random postures at a gripping point , and the clamping dexterity is defined with the pose sphere .