
  1. 给出了n指标形式下(F4)条件的鞅刻划,证明了期望算子可换性,解决了n指标形式下Meyer问题。

    In this paper , the martingales description of condition ( F4 ) is given , the permutability of expected operater is proved and the Meyer problem under the N-parameter form is solved .

  2. 利用沿测地线的N-Jacobi场和指标形式,得到了具非负曲率完备Riemann流形中的测地子流形为无焦点的充要条件。

    By using N Jacobi field along geodesic and index form , we get a necessary and sufficient condition about a geodesic submanifold without focal points in a complete Riemann manifold with nonnegative sectional curvature .

  3. 基于指标形式张量的微分几何定理机器证明

    Mechanical theorem proving for tensor with indexes in differential geometry

  4. 指数体系的完善:现有的人力资源指数基本以单一指标形式出现,本研究将所有指数项目都进行了完善,使之系统化,规范化。

    Perfection of the indices . The present human resource indices are normally unitary , but this index perfects all the items and makes those systematic and standard .

  5. 为了深入探索影响外商直接投资在我国产生溢出效应的行业特征要素,本文针对反映行业特征的四类指标形式进行了系统化的辨析性检验。

    In order to identify a more precise industry character index that can influence the generation of FDI spillover effect in China , four types of index have been systematically tested and compared in the paper .

  6. 发现采用高指标形式的多体系统动力学方程,使用隐式形式做分方程需要引入新的求解变量少,而且能保持原系统矩阵的稀疏特性。

    Using the high index formulation of the multibody system dynamics equations , and employing the implicit differential equations , a few new solution variables are introduced , and the sparsity of original system matrix is kept .

  7. 对蒸发量进行相关分析,建立了估算蒸发量的经验关系。提出了度量农田土壤水分条件的指标形式。

    The amount of evaportranspiration was subject to correlation analysis , and also , the empirical equation for calculation of evaportranspiration was established The paper presents the index form SSM SM for measuring farmland soil moisture conditions .

  8. 本文认为综合指标形式(包括总目标指标和三个分目标指标)和分析报告形式(包括总体报告和专题报告)为以人为本评价指标体系的表现形式。

    This paper argues that the form of integrated indicators , including the overall objective indicators and the three sub-objectives index ) and analysis report form ( including the general reports and thematic reports ) are the manifestations of people-oriented evaluation index system .

  9. 依据数学生态学理论,采用非线性密度制约形式,将主要气象条件的影响以指标形式引入模式参数,设计并研究了冬小麦穗粒结构产量模式,从穗粒结构途径研究了产量形成过程。

    On the basis of mathematical ecological theory and in the form of nonlinear density restriction , a series of models describing the changes of ear kernel structure and total dry matter weight were designed and studied , in which the parameters were the impact of meteorological conditions .

  10. 分析结果显示:指标能量形式对土地因子的筛选结果好于货币形式,其中以产值(KJ)的筛选结果最为稳定、合理。

    The results show that the analysis results of indexes of energy form are better than those of indexes of money form .

  11. 同时利用能量设计法建立了结构动力优化的目标函数,其与动力最优控制中性能指标具有形式上的统一;

    An objective function model is established with energy design method , which has the same form with the function target of dynamic optimal control .

  12. 除了它捕获的关于流程的一般信息,全球监控模型还以字符串指标的形式捕获每个流程所使用的所有变量或业务对象。

    In addition to the generic information it captures about processes , the global monitor model also captures all variables , or business objects , used by each process as string metrics .

  13. 气象卫星应用需求数据库,以定量指标的形式明确给出应用对卫星资料各方面的需求,通过卫星资料满足应用需求的能力评估,牵引气象卫星不断向前发展。

    Meteorological satellite databases , providing all kinds of user application requirements by a way of quantitative index , are helpful in the evaluation of the satellite observing capacity and promote the future development of satellites .

  14. 它主要采用数量指标的形式将企业的各项经济活动纳入预算体系,合理分配资源、预测经营风险、提高经济效益,推动企业持续健康发展。

    It will reflect all the economic activities of enterprises in the form of quantitative indicators , optimize resource allocation , forecast operating risks , improve economic efficiency and promote the development of enterprises in a sustained and healthy way .

  15. 对网络拓扑结构和QoS路由指标进行了形式化分析,基于多目标规划问题,给出了QoS路由数学模型。

    Formula analysis is given for the network topology and multi-QoS router index . This paper proposes the math model of QoS routing based on multi-object planning method .

  16. 本文以线性矩阵不等式LMI为数学工具,给出了并联机器人常见性能指标的LMI形式。

    In this paper , we take linear matrix inequality LMI as the mathematical tool , and formulate ordinary performance indexes of parallel manipulators by LMIs .

  17. 以多目标优化理论为基础,对约束条件与规划指标进行了形式化描述,提出了多UCAV协同任务分配MOIP模型,为一类具有复杂多约束的多UCAV协同任务分配问题建模提供了有效方法。

    The constraints and indexes were formalized , and the MOIP model was brought forward on the basis of the multi-objective optimization theory . This provides a method of modeling the cooperative UCAVs mission assignment with many complex constraints .

  18. 基于能量指标的结构形式最优控制设计

    Optimal control design of structural form based on energy index

  19. 提出了地下结构动力可靠度的概念以及动态可靠度指标的表达形式;

    Concept , index and express forms of dynamic reliability in underground structure are concerned .

  20. 本文主要围绕门窗节能主题,从能耗方式、性能指标、结构形式、材料组合和制作安装等方面论述了节能门窗在不同气候地区、不同环境和不同领域中的开发和应用。

    This article mainly described the development and popularization as well as application of energy-saving door and windows in various climate , various environment and fields from aspects such as energy consumption method , construction type , material as well as installation etc.

  21. 教学评价体系不够科学,主要以终结性考试为主要指标,过于形式化,忽视了健美操课程对学生身体素质、心理素质等综合素质的影响。

    The educational assessment system is both are not fully used and unscientific for its main target being the finished examination , too formulaic , at same time it neglects the influence of calisthenics course to the physical and psychological make-up of college students .

  22. 因此财务生存性指标有两种形式。

    Therefore , indicators of financial viability , there are two forms .

  23. 第五章以人为本评价指标体系的表现形式与运用。

    The fifth chapter explains the expressing form and application of people-oriented index system .

  24. 依据灾害损失评估指标体系的一般形式,给出了由灾害损失单一因子计算灾级的公式;

    According to the general form of index system for disaster loss assessment , the formula for calculating disaster magnitude from unique factor of disaster losses are given .

  25. 经济综合外向度是度量一个国家(或地区)外向型经济的综合指标,它以量化指标的形式来衡量和评价一个国家(或地区)的对外经济贸易运行及发展状况。

    Economic comprehensive extroverted degree is a comprehensive index mainly for measuring the export-oriented economy of a country ( region ), it is in the form of quantitative indicators to measure and evaluate foreign economic and trade development and operation of a country ( region ) .

  26. 本文首先对以往各种水流强度指标进行了综合、归纳,提出了一般形式的水流强度指标形式。

    Various measures of flow intensity have been synthesized and concluded , and a generalized form of measure of flow intensity has been put up .

  27. 讨论了风暴潮灾害损失的构成要素以及定量评估的指标体系,依据灾害损失评估指标体系的一般形式,给出了风暴潮灾害损失单一因子计算灾级的公式。

    The key elements and index system for quantitative assessment of storm tide disaster losses are discussed . According to the general form of index system for disaster losses assessment , the formula is presented for calculating storm tide disaster magnitude from single factor of disaster losses .

  28. 现有的测度指标按来源分为主观、客观指标;按表现形式分为单指标、多指标。

    The existing measure indicators is divided by source into subjective and objective indicators ; by expressions into a single index , multi-index .

  29. 除了周期时长与绿信比,相位差也是线控系统与面控系统的重要控制参数。线控与面控系统的评价指标通常是由几个单交叉口评价指标以加权和形式构成的综合优化指标。

    In addition to cycle length and green split , signal offset is also an important parameter of the artery and dimensional traffic signal control systems .

  30. 对建筑能耗定额指标作用与价值取向进行分析,提出了建筑能耗定额指标的判定依据,并得出了公共建筑能耗定额指标形式。

    Through analyzing the function and value orientation of energy consumption quota indexes , proposing the criterion rules of energy consumption quota indexes and the index form of energy consumption quota for the public building .