
  1. 将方程进行无量纲化处理,运用Fortran软件对自由振动的振动微分方程进行分析。

    The equation for dimensionless processing is building , using Fortran software to analyze the vibration differential equation of free vibration .

  2. 假设阻尼为Rayleigh型比例阻尼,对方程进行无量纲化处理,然后对无量纲方程进行解耦,求出其强迫振动时候的位移响应。

    By the assumption of Rayleigh type ratio damping , taking dimensionless parameter and decoupling transform , the displacement-time response of the forced vibration system is solved .

  3. 讨论了特征参数的无量纲化处理方法,并结合ABO灰色关联度诊断法简单易于实现和BP神经网络法诊断精度较高的特点,完成了齿轮箱的故障模式识别和诊断决策。

    By combination of the ABO gray cognate analysis which is easy to fulfill and the BP neutral network diagnostic method which is accurate , the fault pattern recognition and diagnosis are fulfilled for the gearbox .

  4. 其中,采用基准值法(Benchmarking)确定每个评价指标的上下限值,以构建指标实现程度函数对评价指标作无量纲化处理。

    Among them , the threshold method using Benchmarking evaluation of each upper and lower limits , to build the evaluation function of indicators ' realization degree for non-dimensional treatment .

  5. 为了便于比较,本文采取阙值法中的Z-score标准化方法对数据进行无量纲化处理,最后进行了综合评价值的运算,并对各个城市的创新型建设进行了综合排名,并加以分析。

    For comparison purposes , the article takes the z-score standardized method for data dimensionless , and then calculates the comprehensive evaluation value , ranks the marks of various cities , and ultimately analyzes it .

  6. 原始数据无量纲化处理对灰色关联序的影响

    Effects of non-dimensional quantities of original data on grey incidence order

  7. 引入粘弹性结构阻尼,推导了粘弹性结构的运动微分方程并进行了无量纲化处理;

    The viscoelastic damp is introduced and its equation is established .

  8. 对于指标的无量纲化处理,本文主张采用极值化方法。

    The paper advocates using extreme method for non-dimension of indicators .

  9. 对定性指标采用语言变量评价,对定量指标进行相应的无量纲化处理。

    The quantitative indexes are evaluated by each decision maker with linguistic variables , and are converted into proper dimen .

  10. 对期望方程进行了线性处理,对试验数据进行了无量纲化处理。

    The linear treatment for the expected equation and non dimensional treatment for the experimental data are produced in analysis process .

  11. 采用直线型无量纲化处理方法来解决指标的单位及数量级问题。

    It uses the straight line zero dimension processing method to solve the problem of the index unit and the magnitude .

  12. 对最底层评价指标建立隶属函数,确定相应的隶属度,进行无量纲化处理得出隶属度。

    Evaluation of the establishment of the lowest membership function to determine the appropriate degree of membership , the dimensionless obtained membership .

  13. 在决策模型中,利用非线性函数对指标进行无量纲化处理,能有效地衡量因各个指标波动带来的差异;

    In the model , nonlinear function is used to quantified the criterions and effectively weigh the difference that fluctuation of index brings .

  14. 本文通过对磁流体激波跃变方程组的无量纲化处理,得到了有关磁流体激波跃变条件及其解析解的一种普遍化的最简形式;

    The jump equations of the magnetohydrodynamics shock wave are transformed to the dimensionless form , so that their solutions become very simple and straightforward .

  15. 从柴油机的瞬态转速和气压扭矩波形中提取特征参数,讨论了特征参数的无量纲化处理方法。

    Some characteristic parameters are abstracted from engine transient speed waveform and cylinder pressure waveform , and the dimensionless processing of the parameters is also discussed .

  16. 关于煤炭企业经济效益评价,本文应用层次分析原理确定各个评价指标的权重,利用指数型函数对评价指标数据进行无量纲化处理,给出了较为有效的评价模型。

    This paper gives an effective model on evaluating the economic benefit of coal enterprise by AHP and handles evaluation index data by using exponential function .

  17. 通过合适的坐标变换消除了刚体位移,并进行无量纲化处理,使方程易于求解。

    The rigid body movement is eliminated by use of suitable coordinate transformation , and the equations are convenient to be solved by use of dimensionless process .

  18. 并利用203份调查问卷对定性指标进行医学参考值的界定。(4)运用问卷调查法,对获得的数据进行无量纲化处理后,检验指标体系的信度和效度。

    And 203 questionnaires were used to define the normal rage of the qualitative indicators . ( 4 ) The reliability and validity of the evaluation system was tested by the questionnaire survey .

  19. 建立综合评价的指标体系,包括指标的初选,定性、定量的指标筛选,指标属性值赋值计算、指标无量纲化处理、指标权重值的确定等。

    Established the comprehensive assessment index screening , including target primary election , qualitative and quota index screening , index attribute value assessment computation , index zero dimension processing , target weight value determination .

  20. 使用层次分析法确定指标权重、并把各项指标进行无量纲化处理,计算出综合评价值。

    Using this system , we will decide the weight of each index by using the AHP analysis , which will then be processed in the dimensionless treatment in order to calculate the total evaluating value .

  21. 该文将该指标体系运用到伊泰股份有限公司,选取了其2007到2009的数据,将2008和2009年无量纲化处理后的标准值与相应权重相乘,便得出该企业经营绩效的总得分。

    The paper applies the index system to Yi Tai listed company . We select its related data from 2007 to 2009 . The immeasurable standard value of the data of 2008 and 2009 multiply the corresponding weights .

  22. 对指标进行正向化和无量纲化处理后,通过对30位企业、政府和高校钢铁研究领域的专家的问卷调查,结合三角模糊层次分析法确定了指标体系各个指标的权重。

    After handling the indexes positively and non-differently , the panel investigation to 30 experts on SII from enterprise , government and university is carried out , together with the Fuzzy Triangular Analytic Hierarchy Process , the weight of indexes is determined .

  23. 第四是用层次分析法、熵权系数法、改进的德尔菲法、专家评分法确定各层次的权重,设计了指标值的采集方法,并对指标值进行了无量纲化处理;

    The fourth , all levels of assessment weight is determined by Analysis by level , Entropy power coefficient France , Improved Delphi France and Law experts rating and design the collection methods of collection methods and do the non-dimensional indicators of treatment ;

  24. 决策人用语言变量评价权系数和定性目标,对定量目标进行相应的无量纲化处理.经集结确定各决策人各方案的模糊评价指标,用乐观指标法确定各决策人各方案的排序指标。

    The quantitative objectives are converted into proper dimensionless indexes , Through aggregation , each decision makers ' fuzzy evaluation indexes of every alternatives are determined with method of index of optimism , which are aggregated into group 's indexes of every alternatives .

  25. 研究表明,忽略沿通道轴向蓄热体导热影响,可建立薄壁蓄热体周期传热模型,并对线性偏微分方程组进行无量纲化处理。

    The results show that neglecting to solid axial conduction parallel to the gas flow and based on the assumption of thin wall , a dynamic periodical heat transfer model of regenerator is established , and the non-dimensional quantities of the linear differential equations are processed .

  26. 对磁力矩计算公式进行无量纲参数化处理,使公式简单、直观,使用方便。

    Dimensionless parametrization is carried out for the calculation formula of magnetically transmitted torque . The simplified formula is simple , directly perceivable and convenient in use .

  27. 阐述了实现建筑业可持续发展的重要性;给出了评价指标无量纲化的处理方法以及可持续发展综合评价的加权平均法、空间几何距离法和综合平均值法;

    This paper has expounded the importance of achieving the sustainable development of construction industry in China , and given the methods of standardizing the evaluation indexes and the weight average method , the distance of space geometry method and the synthetic average method of sustainable development synthetic evaluation .

  28. 将大量的检测数据进行中心化处理、无量纲处理和标准化处理,采用层次聚类和K-means算法,将数据按其自身的固有知识特征分类,然后对各类数据进行多变量线性回归。

    After centering , de-dimension and standardization processing of the massive measured data , hierarchical clustering and k-means algorithms are used to classify the data through their own inherent characteristics of knowledge , and multivariable regression analysis is then implemented .

  29. 针对定量和定性指标特性分别采取不同的无量纲化函数对其进行无量纲化处理;

    In line with the quantitative and qualitative index , different dimensionless functions were adopted .