
  1. 作为流程的一部分,这些企业业务规则孤岛会与其他孤岛交互。

    These enterprise business rule islands interact with other islands as part of the process .

  2. 业务管理信息孤岛和自动化信息孤岛是流程工业普遍存在的现象。

    Information islands about the management of operation and the automation are common phenomena existing in flow enterprise .

  3. 我国各政府部门的电子政务为提高行政效率和增加政府工作透明度发挥了重要作用,但传统的电子政务存在着政府业务之间的信息孤岛、数字鸿沟等问题。

    The electronic administration among various government departments in our country plays an important role in enhancing government administrative efficiency and increasing the transparency of the government work , but the traditional electronic administration still has many problems , such as information isolation and data division between government operations .