
  • 网络Service Execution
  1. 信令适配器负责处理信令,是通信网的神经系统,是通信网必不可少、非常重要的组成部分。该部分位于移动交换中心和业务执行平台之间,处于业务执行平台的底层,负责MAP协议的解析转发。

    Signaling Adapter is the nervous system of communications network system , it is a very important component , it is between the mobile services switching center and service execution platform , under the service execute platform .

  2. 一个信令适配器将可能同时连接多个业务执行平台,对于已连接的每个业务执行平台,信令适配器要负责处理对应的消息接收,消息发送,消息解析。

    A signaling adapter connects with many service execution platforms . Signaling adapter used to process message receive , message send , message parse .

  3. Web服务的业务执行语言(BPEL4WS)是一种基于XML的、平台无关的业务流程建模和执行语言,它采用接口的方式将多个独立的Web服务组合起来,从而形成一个组合服务流程。

    BPEL is an XML-based , platform-independent business process modeling and implementation language . By interface manner , BPEL combine multiple independent Web services to form a complete process .

  4. 对于业务执行人员,SOA创建了企业希望向其客户和合作伙伴或组织的其他部分公开的一组服务。

    To a business executive , SOA creates a set of services that the business wants to expose to its customers and partners or to other portions of the organization .

  5. 在公司中董事司业务执行之职,对公司负有忠实义务和善管义务。

    In company , director 's duty is to execute business .

  6. 下一代网络业务执行环境持久化的设计与实现

    Designing and Realizing the Persistence of SLEE in Next Generation Networks

  7. 流程挖掘是一种从实际业务执行日志中发现结构化流程信息的过程。

    Process mining is to discover structured process description from real execution data .

  8. 基于微内核的下一代网络业务执行环境框架的研究与设计

    Research and Design on an Executing Environment Framework Based on Microkernel for NGN Service

  9. 下一代网络中业务执行环境框架系统的设计

    Design of Service Administration Environment Architecture in NGN

  10. 董事(会)在股份公司中执掌经营决策和业务执行权力。

    The trustee wields the management decision-making and the business execution in the joint-stock company .

  11. 分析师同时来定义了在业务执行流程中需要监测的业务规格。

    The analyst also identifies business metrics that need to be measured during the process execution .

  12. 发展业务执行委员会

    Executive Committee on Development Operations

  13. 格思里:我在2月份接任微软云和企业业务执行副总裁一职,与萨蒂亚上任首席执行官是同一天。

    Guthrie : I took over in February , I think the same day Satya became CEO .

  14. 调试和启动运营,包括业务执行,领导和员工的发展,和其他关键的准备工作。

    Commissioning and start-up of operations including operational implementation , leadership and staff development , and other key preparations .

  15. 业务执行与业务设计相关,业务执行也成为业务设计的实现。

    Related to business design is business implementation , which can also be called the realization of business design .

  16. 投资者青睐腾讯的原因在于其核心的游戏业务执行稳健,而且公司能开发新的收入来源。

    Investors love Tencent because it can execute solidly in its core gaming business and develop new revenue streams .

  17. 首先,分析了资源支持层、服务封装层和业务执行层中各个模块的作用。

    Firstly we explain the responsibility of the resource support layer , service encapsulate layer and business execution layer .

  18. 高级业务执行官对这些目标的重视通常反映了规划的资金状况。

    The importance that senior business executives place on these goals is typically reflected in the program 's funding level .

  19. 对于一名业务执行人员,它能提供一组业务服务,并提供给客户合作伙伴。

    To a business executive , it provides a set of business services that her business can offer to clients and partners .

  20. 上周末公司公布了其长期的产品研发目标—“业务执行软件”。

    Late last week the company brass revealed its longer-term product roadmap , which it is calling " Business Execution Software . "

  21. 对另一些熟悉这一概念的人来说,是他们组织的业务执行官和经理带着抵触和怀疑的情绪想要了解它。

    For others the concept was familiar , but their organization 's business executives and managers had approached it with resistance and skepticism .

  22. 企业要达到利润目标,必须具备掌握业务执行成果的控制制度和评估绩效的标准。

    In order to reach the profit target , the enterprise must have the control system over business implementation results and the standards of evaluation .

  23. 纳德拉曾担任微软云和企业业务执行副总裁,难怪他看好该业务。

    It 's no wonder Nadella , the former executive vice president of Microsoft 's cloud and enterprise group , is bullish on the business .

  24. 会计信息系统在不同运行环境下,由于会计业务执行主体的演变,使得内部控制的特点发生了变化。

    Under different operation environment and executive subject , the computerizes accounting information system , changes have taken place in the feature of internal control point .

  25. 充足斟酌作为自动业务执行体系与自动测试体系的需求,设计了与国库信息体系结合使用的工作流业务管理体系。

    Considering the requirement of the automatical implementation and testing system , we design the workflow management information system that is integrated with the treasury information system .

  26. 业务执行阶段确保了和这些目的和目标的联合,用充分集成的且有能力的IT治理解决方案基础架构工具集来结合它们。

    The business execution stage ensures alignment of these goals and objectives by instrumenting them with a fully integrated and capable IT governance solution infrastructure tool set .

  27. 为了完成这些目标,IT治理方法被构架为两个高层次阶段:战略联合阶段和业务执行阶段。

    To accomplish these objectives the IT Governance Approach is architected into two high level stages : the strategic alignment stage , and the business execution stage .

  28. 进而研拟典章制度面、业务执行面、刑法修法面之课题与对策。

    Then draws up the decrees and regulations system surface , the service execution surface , the criminal law repairs topic of and the countermeasure the normal plane .

  29. 由于公司董事会拥有公司业务执行权和经营决策权,在公司治理结构中形成了明显的董事会中心主义。

    Because Board of Directors in a corporation boasts business operation rights and decision-making rights , Board of Directors Centered Idea becomes into being in corporation administering structure .

  30. 提出会计业务执行主体是我们认识和设计会计信息系统内部控制体系主线的观点。

    The author states that the performers of the accounting practice are the mainstream for us to understand and design the internal-control system in the accounting information system .