
  • 网络Business status;Service States
  1. 业务状态机(businessstatemachine)是业务分析师可以通过图形工具创建流程的另一个编程框架,并且在流程设计引擎中执行。

    A business state machine is another programming metaphor that a business analyst can create with graphical tools , yet executes in a process choreography engine .

  2. 使用SOAP头信息块来交换非业务状态的信息(例如,相关器和消息ID)。

    Use SOAP header blocks to exchange non-business state information ( for example , correlators and message ids ) .

  3. 因此,由于status变量是一个局部变量,所以它不会显示在全局变量列表中,供业务状态机中其他代码片段使用。

    Therefore , because it is a local variable , the status variable will not display in the list of global variables for use in other snippets within a business state machine .

  4. 业务状态机是另一个编程模型构件,它可以用BPEL来表示。

    Business state machines are another programming model artifact that can be expressed using BPEL .

  5. 它包含对基于BPEL的流程流和业务状态机的支持。

    It includes support for both BPEL-based process flows , as well as business state machines .

  6. 与大多数WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper组件一样,编写一个业务状态机意味着定义其接口及实现。

    As with most WebSphere Integration Developer components , authoring a business state machine means defining both its interface ( or interfaces ) and its implementation .

  7. 因此,业务状态机实际上是调用一个长时间运行的BPEL过程,而该过程进而调用人工任务。

    Therefore , the business state machine actually invokes a long-running BPEL process that in turn calls the human task .

  8. 我们当前的设计不支持订单取消,因此必须首先向业务状态机添加一个Canceled状态。

    Our current design does not support order cancellation , so we must first add a Canceled state to the business state machine .

  9. 这样,业务状态机便可以在它的某个操作过程中启动人工任务,然后通过回调处理来自人工任务的approval决定。

    In this way the business state machine can initiate the human task during one of its operations and then , via a callback , process the approval decision from the human task .

  10. 在人工任务完成之后,BPEL过程将调用业务状态机,并且状态机逻辑将继续执行。

    After the human task is completed , the BPEL process will invoke the business state machine , and the state machine logic will continue .

  11. 业务状态机上的操作可以调用任何服务,例如直接通过状态机指定的BPEL流程或者Java代码。

    An operation on the business state machine can result in the invocation of any service , such as a BPEL process or Java code specified inline with the state machine .

  12. 现在,业务状态机返回到BuildingOrder状态,在这里可以更改订单金额(使用updateOrder),然后重新尝试订单操作。

    Now that the business state machine is back in the Building Order state , the order amount can be changed ( using updateOrder ) and the order operation will try again .

  13. 由于此过程是异步调用的,业务状态机将转换到AwaitingApproval状态,在该状态中将等待经理批准或不批准订单。

    Since this process is invoked asynchronously , the business state machine transitions to the Awaiting Approval state where it will wait for the manager to approve or disapprove the order .

  14. 我们决定使用业务状态机来实现ProcessOrder组件。

    We 've decided to implement the ProcessOrder component with a business state machine .

  15. 要为ProcessOrder组件打开业务状态机编辑器,请双击ProcessOrder。

    To open the business state machine editor for the ProcessOrder component , double-click ProcessOrder .

  16. 这会导致调用业务状态机上具有approve值的approvalResponse操作。

    This causes the approvalResponse operation to be called on the business state machine with a value of approve .

  17. 该机制将基于角色和业务状态的访问控制模型与扩展SOAP消息相结合,能够根据调用者的身份信息、状态信息,判断本Web服务访问请求的访问权限。

    The access control mechanism is based on the model of role and business flow status and extension of SOAP message , which can determine access authority according to parameters of service requestor , such as identity , status in business flow .

  18. 无论您正在创建一个BPEL过程,还是一个业务状态机,或者是几种其他类型组件中的任意一种,您都需要定义自定义表达式和行为。

    Whether you are creating a BPEL process , a business state machine , or any of several other types of components , you need to define custom expressions and behavior .

  19. 业务状态机调用BPEL过程,该过程包括一个内嵌的人工任务活动(为什么需要将人工任务活动内嵌到该过程中将在下文讨论)。

    The business state machine will invoke a BPEL process , which will include an inline human task activity ( why this needs to be inline will be discussed later ) .

  20. 如果订单总额小于或等于100美元,则不需要经理审批订单,业务状态机将转换到Approved状态,在该状态中将等待发送订单。

    If the total order is $ 100 or less , then the manager is not required to approve the order and the business state machine will transition to the Approved state where it will wait for the order to ship .

  21. 在创建两个组件并将它们连接起来后,让我们看一看订单业务状态机和BPEL审批过程(带有内嵌人工任务)的运行示例。

    With our two components created and wired together , let 's go through an example run of the order business state machine and the approval BPEL process ( with the inline human task ) .

  22. 该方法主要用于保持自治愈后的应用服务器的业务状态同步,同时解决了现有的EJB组件迁移方法存在的无法迁移业务运行状态、通用性不强的问题。

    This method is used primarily to keep the self-healing application server business state synchronization , while addressing the issues which the existing EJB component migration method cannot migrate the running states and commonality is not strong . 3 .

  23. 在经理批准或拒绝订单之后,BPEL过程将通过调用业务状态机上的一个操作把人工任务的结果返回到业务状态机。

    Once the order is approved or declined by the manager , the BPEL process will return the result of the human task to the business state machine by invoking an operation on the business state machine .

  24. 在本例中,我们仅传递了orderId和一个totalAmount就创建了业务状态机实例。

    In this example , we only pass the orderId and a totalAmount to create the business state machine instance .

  25. 使用与业务状态机关联的模板通过指定orderId和订单金额创建一个订单。

    Using the template associated with the business state machine , create an order by specifying an orderId and the dollar amount of our order .

  26. 此orderId(关联信息)可以确保回调与启动ApproveOrder任务相同的业务状态机。

    This orderId ( the correlation information ) ensures the same business state machine that initiated the ApproveOrder task is called back to .

  27. 您使用业务状态机实现了一个组件ProcessOrder,但对于在构建它时进行的具体操作只给出了非常少的背景信息。

    You implemented one of the components , ProcessOrder , with a business state machine , but we gave you only minimal background information about what you were doing as you were building it .

  28. 升级就像业务状态机中的计时器。

    Escalations are like timers in a business state machine .

  29. 业务状态机的所有部分。

    All the parts of a business state machine .

  30. 最后,发送订单并且业务状态机处于结束状态。

    Finally , the order is shipped and the business state machine completes .